Apr. 23rd, 2011


Saturday: Perfectly Right

Who: Trevor and Taryn
When: Evening
Where: Downtown Darkwater, then Johnson Beach, then the Spencer Residence

Trevor had been exceptionally nervous at the beginning of the evening. Seeing Taryn dressed up so beautifully for their little date that wasn't a date had set his heart alight with happiness. She'd made herself up for him. But he'd contained himself as usual while complimenting her. Dinner at his favorite little Italian place had been delicious and filled with light conversation that he was happy to let Taryn dominate. He hung on every word she said, genuinely enjoying her company while trying not to think about whether or not his plan was going to work.

After the meal was paid for, he drove them down to the beach as it was getting close to time for the big fireworks display to start. He opened the car door for her, then went around to the trunk to pull out a large beach towel, two folded up beach chairs and a small cooler that contained a chilled bottle of wine and two carefully packed glasses.

You know I would never break your heart )

Mar. 19th, 2011


Tuesday: One Thing at a Time

Who: Trevor and Torin
When: evening
Where: Spencer residence

Trevor had spent most of the day agonizing over what he should do about his problem with Taryn before he ran out of time instead of writing. It felt like he should finally man up and take his own advice. And it felt as if he didn't do so quickly, he'd miss any opportunity he might have. It didn't help any that he was now convinced Taryn was determined to sleep with that Noah character. A man who wasn't even an elemental. It was abhorrent at best, even from a purely brotherly perspective.

But what could be done? Surely blurting out his feelings wasn't the best way to handle things. It would be the same as ripping a band-aid off as quickly as possible, just to get the sting over with. He'd thought of asking their parents if they'd consider the match, but he couldn't do so without first knowing how Taryn felt on the matter. He wouldn't condemn her to a life of unhappiness just to satisfy his own ultimately selfish wishes for her life. That would make him no better than their parents in regards to match-making.

Have you ever been in love? )

Mar. 4th, 2011


Monday - Difficult and Nosy

Who: Taryn and Trevor
When: Evening
Where: Home!

After driving home from the marina, Taryn parked and walked inside, eager to get upstairs and get her boots off. She was still considering that cold shower, but the car ride had helped cool her down a bit, despite the soft swollen, tingly feeling of her lips from where Noah had kissed her. She was torn between feeling frustrated with how the evening ended, and optimistic because it was obvious Noah would want to see her again, if he meant what he said about 'taking things slow'.

Walking upstairs, Taryn was eager to find Torin and fill him in on all the details, but first she stopped at Trevor's room, realizing then that she forgot to get Noah's number to give her brother. Oh well, that was okay. It wasn't as if she could walk down to the marina soon to get it from him. It would be a viable reason for stopping by, wouldn't it?

And are you seriously comparing Noah to a chihuahua, Trevor? )

Dec. 16th, 2010


Saturday - Something Worth Fighting For

Who: Taryn and Trevor
Where: Trevor's room, then the beach
When: Early evening

After cooling down from her tiff with Torin, Taryn finally decided to emerge from her bedroom. She'd spent the last couple of hours texting her friends and checking out Facebook, but eventually boredom began to trickle in and she'd grown restless from her self imposed exile. Torin didn't seem to be around when she stepped out into the hall, which was just fine by her. Just thinking about him had Taryn lifting her chin stubbornly, prepared to lash out should he come into her line of sight. The jerk.

It was a Saturday night and there was no way she was staying home when she could go out with her friends, but since it was still early in the evening, she decided to find Trevor and bug him for a bit instead. At least Trevor rarely got on her nerves, or called her a bitch. Taryn padded down the hallway in her bare feet and even though Trevor's door was shut, she didn't bother knocking. She opened the door and peeked her head in, immediately spotting him at his desk, bent over that stupid laptop. "Hey, I'm coming in."

If you're unwilling to fight for what you want, then I can't help you. )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Monday: Sibling Discussions and Annoyances

Who: Trevor, Torin and Taryn
When: just after midnight
Where: Trevor's room

Since they were feeling better, Taryn and Torin both decided to find Trevor and make sure it hadn't been just them. Taryn wasn't surprised to find her older brother's bedroom door shut, and she was guessing that he was probably asleep. Not that it mattered to her. She'd just pound on the door if it was locked, and if it wasn't, she'd go inside and wake him up herself. There was plenty to keep her occupied around the house on a daily basis, but annoying her brothers when she could was one of her favorite past times. Coming upon his door, Taryn flashed Torin a grin before she tested out the door knob. It turned easily, which meant Trevor hadn't locked the door. "Let me wake him up," she whispered to Torin before she twisted the knob all the way and carefully pushed the door open.

I don't understand why they can't trust us to fall in love with worthy people on our own )

Jun. 5th, 2010


Sunday: Speculation

Who: Torin and Trevor
Where: at home
When: late afternoon

All was not right in the world according to Torin Spencer. Of course, that was frequently the case considering that Torin was harder to please than average. He'd been mildly out of sorts all day, anyway, and his mood was not helped along when he began to feel unwell during the afternoon. Slight dizziness and headache with no cause that he could figure out. He'd decided to lie down for a short while, although he'd wanted to talk to Taryn about Cian the bonehead's party and any gossip thereof. He'd vaguely heard his sister come home and then leave again a little later on, and he figured he'd have to talk to her either that night or the next day, depending on when he could catch her.

Once he'd gotten up again, he didn't feel much better. Something was wrong, and he couldn't figure out what. It was as he paused in front of his dresser to check how ridiculous his hair looked that he realized it: the handful of coins that he'd dumped on the dresser top hadn't moved. Anytime coins were that close to his skin, they slid over and glommed onto him. Torin passed his hand directly over the top of them, and nothing. "What the hell?" he grumbled to himself. Grabbing the entire handful and closing them in his fist, he headed out of his room and headed down the hall to his brother's room, staggering just a little as he went. "Trev?" he called, leaning against the doorframe and tapping on the door with his free hand.

What're we gonna do if it doesn't stop? )