August 2012



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Sep. 10th, 2010


Monday: Ghosts (Incomplete)

Who: Neta and Dax
Where: The graveyard on the island
When: Around sunset

While Neta had felt no real urge to sleep-- which was nothing particularly new; that refuge had been denied her for what felt like an eternity-- her anger had simmered down to mere frustration and lethargic discomfort as the sun came up that morning. She'd gotten her private exploration of the island in the night before, all night, without any need to rest or eat or even find a bathroom.

And then the sun had come up, hot and bright, and had chased her indoors, back to the house she felt somehow tied to. The further she went from it, the more stretched she felt, and with the sun beating down on her and prickling sweat all over her skin, she hadn't the will to resist it. Her shadow-dragon hadn't been as tied to darkness and location as she was, and had been gone most of the day. Another reason to feel down.

And a live 'n! )


Monday: Jealous Nieces

Who: Sofia and Shoel
When: early evening
Where: their house

Sofia felt as though she were walking on clouds. Or sunshine. Hadn't that been a song at some point? She was sure it had. No matter. The point was, she was in a fantastic mood, and it was almost solely attributable to her session with Mr. Shore earlier in the day. A fine specimen of a man with a delicious accent and a broad back, who wanted to take her out. For dinner and who knew what else. It had been ages since Sofia'd had a real date, and just the prospect was delightful. Even if he turned out to be insufferable -- which, given their long conversation the first time they'd met, she doubted -- it would be very nice to get dressed up and go somewhere.

She'd hummed all through cooking dinner and setting the table. It was a lasagna and salad, something easy but delicious, perfect for a work night. And garlic bread, of course. She stuck her curly head out of the kitchen entryway. "Shoel!" she called in a sing-song sort of way. "Dinner!"

And different views of the world. )


Monday: A run in... with TERROR

Who: Christian and Leroy (NPC)
Where: The streets
When: Early evening

Somehow, Christian hadn't made it home yet. None of the streets in Eldritch looked familiar, and he kept wandering down them, hoping one might magically become the one he needed. Where was his building? Where was his little townhouse? Why hadn't he found it yet? Not that he was fretting. Not more than a little, anyhow. Some of the vagueness had left him, but it had only left behind confusion. nothing seemed to be making sense, and he had somehow gotten lost in streets he'd memorized years ago.

He walked with his long coat on, even though the day still held a lot of the blistering heat of before the sun went down, ignoring how warm he felt because the coat felt safe. Stopping under a streetlamp, he stared up into the light, as if maybe by blinding himself, even temporarily, he could finally see where he was going.

They knew crazy. )

Sep. 9th, 2010


Monday: Nosy and Determined

Who: Taryn and Torin
When: evening
Where: the patio

Torin was truly in a downer of a mood tonight. He still felt twitchy and jittery from the potent asthma medicine in his inhaler-- he'd required another shot of it before talking to the police at the station-- and he couldn't get the thought of those horrible, bloated things that used to be human beings out of his head. He was also brooding over Sam Boesch and why he had to be into the guy. It was even worse now that they'd actually spent some time in the same vicinity, regardless of what had happened at the end of it. He was just an idiot, evidently. He was Torin Spencer. He could find someone more appropriate to yearn for, and while he knew that intellectually? The rest of him wasn't listening.

He was hiding out on the covered patio, curled up in one corner of the couch; the only light was the faint glow of the chimania that someone had lit earlier. He'd told his family the briefest details on what had happened and why he'd been at the police station, mainly because his car was fairly high-profile, and anyone could have seen it there. Hopefully, running across a couple of dead bodies would be sufficient to explain why he was in a bad mood, if anyone asked. Luckily, his parents hadn't thought to ask him what the hell he'd been doing back in the middle of nowhere. He could only hope they didn't decide to, because he didn't want to tell them.

He's a random kid I ran into the other day, and we went to the caves. The end. )

Sep. 1st, 2010


Monday: A Fist-Ful of Awkward

Who: Sorcha and Christian
Where: Booklovers
When: afternoon

Despite the incredible heat, afternoon found Sorcha out walking rather than driving her car. It was a novelty to be someplace where a car wasn't strictly necessary unless one wanted to go to the outer reaches; she'd read in the tourist information she'd picked up that the island covered no more than nine miles from tip to tip. She did have a wide-brimmed hat on, delicately woven straw with a white band at its base, mostly to keep the sun off of her face and shoulders, and she wore a loose sundress in lavender and white leather Keds with neatly rolled-down socks. Her long, heavy hair was contained in a braid, which would hopefully help her keep cooler, as well. It didn't take her very long to reach the Shoppes, and she almost immediately purchased an iced coffee, which she sipped at as she wandered around the outdoor booths. Once she'd finished her drink and thrown away the cup, she made her way over to the bookstore, where she figured she'd kill two birds with one stone: look for more reading material and check in on Christian.

She pulled the door open and stepped inside, glancing around curiously. Bookstores, whether used or new, were almost always interesting places.

All's well that ends well, at least. )

Aug. 31st, 2010


Monday: A Stitch In Time

Who: Allie and Cordelia
When: Early evening (6:00pmish)
Where: The hospital

The day hadn't been going the way Cordelia had hoped, or expected. She'd woken up late for work, burned herself while trying to pour her coffee and then accidentally deleted a file containing personal photos she'd been trying to print out at work. The only bright side she could find in the entire morning was that the photos hadn't belonged to a client, which meant she avoided a stern lecture from her boss. Managing to get through the rest of the work day was a challenge, but she did it somehow, forcing politeness and smiles to hide her crabby mood from customers who came into the studio.

After work, Cordelia headed to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients for spaghetti sauce, thinking maybe she would invite Corwin over some night that week and make him dinner. She would be seeing Noah Wednesday night, but it was always nice to have some excuse to invite company over when you lived alone in a big house. Unfortunately her bad luck for the day didn't stop at five o'clock. After reaching up for a jar of spaghetti sauce, Cordelia's phone began to ring, which startled her from her daydreaming. The jar slipped through her fingers, crashing to the ground and splattering spaghetti sauce all over the shelves, the floor and her clothes. Cursing, she bent down immediately to try and pick up some of the bigger pieces of glass as one of the grocery employees began hurrying down the aisle to help her.

"I'm so sorry," Cordelia began, looking up at the guy in the red vest as she made the mistake of grabbing another piece of glass without looking. It sliced into her palm, causing her to hiss and drop it back to the floor. Blood began to seep out of the deep gash immediately and the second her gaze landed upon it, she felt nauseous. Her stomach churned and she fell back onto her ass, forcing her eyes closed as not to look at the wound. Blood had always done that to her, causing her to nearly faint, or vomit just from the sight.

A spaghetti jar broke and let me have it )

Aug. 14th, 2010


Monday: Unknown Language

Who: Tayne and Jesse
Where: The lighthouse
When: Afternoon

All day long, Tayne kept thinking about that guy brought back from the dead, and his door that needed protecting. It was never far from his thoughts, even when he really should have been thinking about something else-- such as when he was in the confessional with one of his older parishioners. He just hoped he had done well by him, anyway. Even his prayers had been full of questions and worries and hopes, regarding Jesse and that door.

After finishing up all the chores around the church, making sure he had no one waiting for him inside, and hurrying over to the rectory to collect some things he might need, Tayne was finally on his way to, he hoped, get those things back out of his head. Surely once he'd satisfied his curiosity, he'd be able to focus where he should. He drove over in his rusty old truck, swung out-- giving the ocean a brief nervous look, and the lighthouse a slightly dubious one-- and headed up to knock on the door, a backpack slung over one shoulder with various magical equipment inside.

what does it mean? )

Aug. 12th, 2010


Monday: Booby Traps and Little Monsters

Who: Jane and Joel
Where: Jane's little rented house
When: Early evening

Despite the lure of a potentially free dinner, on top of lunch, Jane foudn herself dialing Joel's number with annoyance when it was time to go meet him-- this time it was supposed to be at a little coffee shop kind of restaurant, rather than the deli-- to cancel. It wasn't that she didn't want to go hang out with her other brother-- she didn't, really, though-- or that she wasn't feeling well or anything.

It was that the stupid rock-egg-thing had proved to be an egg, once and for all, because it was apparently trying to hatch.

She held the landbound line to her ear, wishing to hell she still had her cell phone, and waited for him to pick up. Thank God she was still in the habit of writing down all her important numbers the day she got them, once she got home.

I've gotta take a rain check on going out. )

Aug. 5th, 2010


Monday: Lunch With Jane

Who: Turlough and Jane
Where: A little diner in Darkwater
When: Lunchtime

Lunch meetings seemed the best ways to see brothers. The one with Sean had gone okay, after all, and you had something to do besides just talk. And once you were done eating, you could use it as an excuse to leave, if you were uncomfortable. So when Turlough had wanted to see her that day, Jane had said to meet for lunch, in the same little diner-deli she'd met Sean at. Might as well go somewhere she knew there'd be food she liked, after all.

To tell the truth, she was kind of dreading this get-together. Her lip was still ugly, and her face was bruised, and she thought she'd pulled a muscle in her side so she was moving kind of carefully. After her briefing with the police, she'd come straight here, so she could be sitting by the time Turlough got here. Her kid brother. Wow, this was weird as hell. She'd gotten herself settled, the as yet unhatched-- or unbroken-- egg thing in her sweater pocket on her lap and a mess of string on the table that she was slowing turning into a tightly knit sock.

Awkward )

Aug. 4th, 2010


Monday: New Old Clothes

Who: Jessalyn and Dessicant
Where: Thrift store
When: Afternoon

Since Jessalyn didn't have to work until later that evening, she decided to stop by the thrift shop in town and see if they had any new cute skirts in. She enjoyed making her own clothes, and sometimes she could find a used piece of material and make it into something of her own. She rode her bike that afternoon, singing softly under her breath as the wind blew her hair about her face and shoulders. By the time she got to the shop and climbed off her bike, her hair was a bit of a mess, though she didn't make any attempt to fix it. She was a bit oblivious to things like that, and after setting her bike up against the building, she breezed into the shop with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes darted behind the sunglasses she wore that were too big for her face, searching for one of the shop's employees so she could ask about any new pieces.

Do you mind helping me out? )


Monday - Mutual Benefit

Who: Sam and Solana
When: Nighttime
Where: Streets, then Sam's house
Warning: NSFW

After Sam's shift at the gas station, he clocked out, went outside and lit up a cigarette before starting the walk home. He'd deliberately left his car at home this time, since he was sort of hoping to run into Solana at some point. Sure, the island wasn't huge, but it wasn't overly tiny either that he could hope to walk down one street and see her, but hey, one never knew, right? If not for his conversation with Shoel, Sam might not have given Solana - Ana - another thought, but knowing she was a vampire now, one who survived off of fluids, had him intrigued and curious as to why she was on Eldritch and not somewhere more populated.

Taking a slow drag off his cigarette, Sam kept his eyes focused on his surroundings. Sure, he was looking for one person in particular, but at the same time, he didn't want to be caught off guard by someone, or something, unexpected.

Because you're beautiful. )


Monday - Relax and Rejuvenate

Who: Sofia Palatnik & Thomas Shore.
Where: The Teahouse Spa.
When: Monday Afternoon, 2:00 pm.

It was Monday afternoon and Thomas Shore had taken the ferry to Eldritch Island for a very special appointment. He was to be reunited with the lovely Sofia, whom he'd met on the dock not long after he'd arrived in back in America. He hadn't been here since the 1950s and really, that had been the East Coast, with Manhattan and Miami figuring prominently in his life. He was on the West Coast now and rumor had it that the West was more relaxed than the East on this continent.

He certainly hoped he'd be relaxed after his massage.

Under talented hands. )


Monday: Creepy Cave Adventure

Who: Torin and Sam
When: 2 p.m.
Where: the high school parking lot, then Stonehenge and the caves

At least Torin's elemental gifts had come back. He'd expected a miserable day indeed if they hadn't. Despite the fact that there was nothing on regular TV except the local news stations reporting on the high school, the Baptist church and the Mayor's home all burning the night before, and the Quik-Stop being held up-- hell, those reporters were practically jizzing in their pants over it all-- at least there were a ton of satellite stations, and he hadn't spent that much time checking out the news reports. He had the basic facts, and that was all he cared about. He wondered if Sam Boesch would show for their 2 p.m. arranged meeting. Well, he'd set it for the high school parking lot, and if nothing else, he could see the damage for himself up close.

He set off for the school at a quarter til, sunglasses on and his uncontrollable hair blowing in the breeze, determined to stay chill about this. He was going to show Sam the fucked-up stuff that was in the caves near Stonehenge, to prove he hadn't been pulling bullshit out of his ass when they'd talked the other day, and that was it. And Sam had better hold to his agreement not to shove that fucking camera in his face, too. He made the short drive in record time and pulled into the far parking lot, turning off the engine and getting out to lean against his car and stare at the heavily damaged brick building. It looked as if the gym and the Science Wing had taken the heaviest hits, he thought as he waited.

Also? I know the truth about Candy Mountain. You're not getting my kidney. )

Jul. 26th, 2010


Monday: On The Road Again

Who: Olivia and Hannah
When: Afternoon
Where: Olivia's apartment

It was a little after ten when Olivia woke up. She'd worked a fairly long shift the night before, and while she would have liked to sleep in until the afternoon, she had errands to run that she preferred to get out of the way. She stopped at the bank to deposit her measly check, and then headed to the grocery store to pick up some food, since she still had a guest living in her place and she was starting to get what Hannah preferred to eat over what she didn't. When she got home, she carried a couple bags into the kitchen, keeping an ear out for Hannah. Olivia had no clue whether the other woman was there or not, but if she was, Olivia was sure she'd make herself known at any moment.

Hannah was actually just getting back from Sam's, pulling into one of the guest parking spaces down in the apartment's parking lot and hopping out reluctantly. Well, with mixed feelings. Every step back up to the apartment meant a step closer to leaving-- but it also meant a step closer to going somewhere she'd be useful, and not surrounded by water every which way.

She trudged up the stairs and opened the apartment door, heading in about as Olivia finished putting away the groceries.

I've been reassigned. )


Monday - It's Alive!

Who: Emmanuel and Mac
Where: Mac's house
When: Late morning

Emmanuel had slept late-- so had his father-- but when he did finally wake up, he felt wonderful. Or, well, he felt so much better than he had the night before that there was no comparison! No longer did he feel like he wanted to drop off and sleep on his feet, no longer did it make him feel dizzy to exercise the tiniest bit of his connection to the earth, no longer was he fretting about the train of thought he and West had been following the night before. So it sure felt like feeling wonderful.

He flew through a couple chores that had to be done first thing that morning, wolfed down breakfast, and then hopped into his car. He had someone to tell how much better he was feeling, after all.

And he had a rose to plant.

Never make out, that's when the monster gets you. )

Jul. 21st, 2010


Monday: Lazy Summer Day

Who: Cian and Ava
When: Mid-morning
Where: Ava’s house

After the police arrived at the Quik Stop the evening before and took everyone’s statements, Ava was able to finally go home, although in all honesty she had no real idea how she got there, despite the fact that she had driven herself. The ferry ride seemed to take an eternity, and by the time she pulled into her driveway, she was ready to fling herself at her mom and revert to being a scared seven year old again.

After explaining what happened to her parents and being immersed with hugs and bombarded with questions, Ava was able to go to her room and change into her pajamas. All she wanted to do was sleep but she decided to call Cian first. The last thing she wanted was for him to find out what happened on the news. It hadn’t been a very long conversation, given how tired she was - not to mention the migraine that she was still recovering from. Thankfully he made plans to come see her the next morning, which was what she was looking forward to when she woke up. Ava showered and got dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top before eating what she could of breakfast. Afterward she went outside with her cell phone and sat on the porch swing to wait for Cian.

set for the day )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Monday: Sibling Discussions and Annoyances

Who: Trevor, Torin and Taryn
When: just after midnight
Where: Trevor's room

Since they were feeling better, Taryn and Torin both decided to find Trevor and make sure it hadn't been just them. Taryn wasn't surprised to find her older brother's bedroom door shut, and she was guessing that he was probably asleep. Not that it mattered to her. She'd just pound on the door if it was locked, and if it wasn't, she'd go inside and wake him up herself. There was plenty to keep her occupied around the house on a daily basis, but annoying her brothers when she could was one of her favorite past times. Coming upon his door, Taryn flashed Torin a grin before she tested out the door knob. It turned easily, which meant Trevor hadn't locked the door. "Let me wake him up," she whispered to Torin before she twisted the knob all the way and carefully pushed the door open.

I don't understand why they can't trust us to fall in love with worthy people on our own )

Jul. 17th, 2010


Monday - Late and Disheveled

Who: Sibyl and Kaz
When: The wee hours of the morning.
Where: The garden at their home.

It was a longer run up the mountain than Sibyl would have wanted. Without the use of her shadows, she had to climb overland. Given her vampiric state, this wouldn't have been so bad except that she couldn't make herself travel in a straight line. She cut away from home, curving along the opposite slope for more than an hour before doubling back. She didn't think Lux would follow her - not tonight - but he may pick up her trail another day. She had to ensure that it wouldn't be that easy to do so and perhaps he would give up before he found her home.

At just past midnight, she slipped out of the treeline behind her garden, the silk of her robe fluttering against her muddy calves. A leaf clung to her uncurled hair. She was in a total state of windblown dishabille. Now that home was within sight, she realized she would have to explain to her love why he was going to see her in such a state. As she padded through the embryonic garden, she considered and discarded any number of scenarios.

Something terribly strange has happened. )

Jul. 11th, 2010


Monday: Not A Dream

Who: Christian and Jesse
Where: The lighthouse
When: Morning, around 8AM

After sleeping most of the day before, Christian's sleep had been fitful, and he woke before the sun feeling rather like he was still asleep. Everything was dreamlike, and though he knew he wasn't actually asleep or trapped in a vision-- he knew what that felt like-- he still didn't feel quite there. Not even coffee helped, and he had two cups of it to make sure.

By the time the sun had come up, all he'd decided was that he didn't want to go to work like this-- not like he had a choice-- and that he'd make good on his promise to visit Jesse. Provided that whole strange day hadn't been a dream, in and of itself. Which, at the moment, he wasn't sure about.

Since he still hadn't replaced the bike he'd left behind-- at the lighthouse-- he walked. He wore his coat, despite the clouds being conspicuously absent, and brought Rosemary in his pocket, and drifted out to the lighthouse to knock on the door. If Jesse actually was here, it wouldn't do to barge in on him. If the door was even unlocked. If Jesse even existed.

an anchor )

Jul. 5th, 2010


Monday: A Clear Day

Who: Santiago & Thomas
When: Monday late morning
Where: Santiago's Island Home

He had directions, quite clear from the man himself, but he didn't really need them. He could sense the Metal Son as he climbed the path to his island home. The structure was a small, unimposing cottage, really, but the rose bushes were doing well out front. The Water Son appreciated the low-key approach to living, though it wouldn't necessarily be his choice.

Thomas Shore had walked from the ferry, because he enjoyed the exercise and it gave him time to think. He liked the feel of the ground under his feet, the smell of the water nearby, the wind at his back. It was summer, he was on the coast of North America and he was going to visit his brother. The rest didn't really matter.

And more murky feelings. )

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