November 21st, 2010

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Friday: What's News?

Who: Ashley and Cordelia
When: Early evening
Where: Juicy Java

Since Cordelia was getting off work prior to Ashley having to go to work, the two decided to meet up at Juicy Java for a coffee before Ashley disappeared into techno beats and flashing lights of Vapor. Cordelia was exhausted after a day filled with family portraits, screaming kids and overbearing mothers, but it was Friday night and she was determined to enjoy herself, seeing as how she would be booked for the rest of the weekend, both with Corwin and a scheduled wedding. Sunday would be her lounging around in pajamas day, if she got lucky enough.

Walking into Juicy Java, she glanced around for Ashley, wanting to make sure her friend was there before she actually went to the counter to order. The place looked sparse enough, but Cordelia had been living in Darkwater long enough to know that the teenage crowd would descend upon it once evening hit.

someday, when I'm older but still hot, my prince'll come along! )