March 9th, 2010

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Friday: Voice Mail of Vision-ness and Ramble

Who: Christian, for Sorcha
Where: On voicemail!
When: Late afternoon

Sorcha? This is Christian. From the lighthouse this morning. I had another vision today! This one was not of the lighthouse, but it was similar in every other way. This time it was of one of the abandoned houses outside town, in the trees a ways. And there were dead people coming through the walls. It was really rather terrifying. Gwen thinks it is because of my medication, but we found one of the other places I saw in a vision today, too, so I think it is just as real as the lighthouse visions.

I do not know if this will help you, or us, or anything at all. But I did wish for you to know. Perhaps soon we can talk about it together?

Now I will stop annoying you. Auf wiedersehen, Sorcha.