March 8th, 2010

[info]somedaylove in [info]solsticerp

Thursday: Boredom

Who: Torin and Taryn
When: Evening
Where: Juicy Java

It was evening by the time Taryn finally dropped her friends off at their various houses and drove over to Juicy Java. They had spent the day shopping and then lounging at the beach, but she could admit that after a few hours, the constant chatter and giggling had started getting on her nerves. It made her miss Italy, and how quiet and peaceful it had been - for the most part. Maybe it was more that she missed the sun and the Italian men. The guys she'd seen at the beach had paled in comparison. Sad. Still, she wanted a drink and a part of her knew that Torin would probably be there with his laptop so being able to bug her older brother was a double bonus.

Parking, Taryn slipped her sunglasses off the top of her head and put them into her bag before she walked inside. At first she glanced around for the familiar mop of curly hair, and she grinned when she saw him sitting at one of the tables. Prancing over, she pulled out the empty chair across from him and slung herself into it. "You're all alone. Where's your harem?" She didn't mind the Delaneys at all, the way some girls did. They were pretty, popular and seemed to like her brother enough.

Why is everybody so into slumming? )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Friday: Not Much of a Tour

Who: Sam and Hannah
When: Morning
Where: Around town

Since they had been unable to go out Wednesday, Sam and Hannah had rescheduled their 'tour of Darkwater' for that morning. Sam wasn't entirely sure it was necessary, since Hannah had been there for awhile now, right? So he was guessing she had probably seen quite a bit of the island and everything else for all he knew. But still, it gave him an excuse to get out of the house, since he didn't have to work until later that night. He sat on his porch, smoking a cigarette and waiting for Hannah's big ass Bronco to make it's appearance.

It gave Hannah an excuse to get out of the apartment and away from the lighthouse, too, which was her main goal right now. She still had two days until the big one, if anything at all even happened then, and she was dying of boredom. Besides, Sam was the closest thing she had to a friend, and she was going stir-crazy stuck in that apartment for two days after all that rain.

But today it was dry, even nice, and she was determined to make the most of it. She pulled up at Sam's address and honked, because that was just how she rolled.

But some important info, which is even better. )