Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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Posts Tagged: 'kitty+norville'

Oct. 2nd, 2017



[Filtered to werewolves only]
Might as well speak up Does anyone have plans for Thursday's full? I don't want to step on any toes by going into the wrong territory.



Just so everyone is clear. I'm not dressing up as Peter Pan. Pancakes or food in general won't sway my choice.

You can stop talking about it now.

Sep. 28th, 2017


I had given some thought to the prospect of simply doing nothing for a time; just relaxing as I start to settle into this place.

Yet in all honesty I find the whole 'nothing' schedule to be so very dull. Perhaps the offered classes will work instead.

Oh, I don't suppose anyone has any experience raising bees? I've been considering giving apiculture a chance, and I would not mind speaking with those who have successfully done it before.

Sep. 25th, 2017



So, what do you people do for fun around here?

I will admit that I was a tad uncertain about this place when I received the invitation, but so far I am quite impressed. My thanks to however is responsible for patching me up as well, dying would have been most problematic.



Broadcasted Live on the radio starting at 10pm

The show opens up with about 15 seconds of CCR's Bad Moon Rising, and the end is overlaid with a genuine wolf howl. Once it fades, Kitty starts talking.

"Good evening, it's ten o'clock Monday night and you're listening to the first Preyan episode of The Midnight Hour, the show that isn't afraid of the dark or the creatures who live there. I'm your ever-eager host, Kitty Norville, and I hope you'll join me every weekday evening to talk illuminate the supernatural as we decide together what may or may not be real.

Now since most of you probably don't know me, I've been running this show out of Denver, Colorado for the last year or so, and now that I'm newly arrived in Preya I wanted to see about continuing it. Topics will range from the serious to the questionably absurd, and will be full of my advice and that of you, the listeners who choose to call in - whether this includes religious advice for those who can't safely walk into a church or relationship advice for those iffy full moon nights, or simply observations about which popular actor seems a bit too young and avoids sunlight.

Now - is this all real? Do vampires, werewolves, faeries, and other creatures walk among us? Who knows - and does it really matter? I think that's a great topic to start out tonight's show. Go ahead and call me here at 555-BRFD. We're live and taking your calls right now."

ooc notes! )