Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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February 16th, 2019



[Heavily enchanted magical note to Remus which turns to ash after he's read it]
Aunt Cassiopeia stupidly tried to poison Gellert Grindelwald. He killed her House Elf and bound her. She's mostly alright, but that just means he's out there now and likely ticked as all hell. She asked me to watch over Arcturus at the school and that's where I've been.

Where are you? Can you come here? I don't like knowing you're out there with a psychopath on the loose. And I don't give a damn about your Gryffindor bravery. I want you safe. And if you happen to see him, I want you to turn around and walk in the opposite direction. Do you understand me? We've read about Grindelwald and all he did in the First War. I don't need to tell you just how dangerous he is.

And if you see my brother... make sure he doesn't do anything stupid either.



I think this has to be the first year I spent Valentine's day alone and without my girl.

Anybody feel like getting a drink with a Captain without his Starship?



You're looking for a sale on Valentines candy, you say? Forgot to give your loved ones something actually worth their while on the Holiday? Didn't find true love on Valentine's Day proper?

Why, I know just the place to find all of those things and more.



When do all these classes start? I'm ready to teach everyone to be 500% more badass. It's totally a thing. Gotta get off my BFF's couch. I'm getting lazy. My butt imprinted like a baby duckling on one of the cushions.

Oh, also, check out how majestic my dog is. Lucky is the BEST dog.




Wotcher, everyone? You all have a good romantic hol? Learn anything new about yourselves? Or maybe your...alternate dimension universe selves? Life's a right surprise sometimes, isn't it?

Think I need a drink or twenty after everything. James, Lily? Sirius? You in?



I hate it when recipes say bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. for me it's more like bake for 30 minutes or until you start to smell it burning. This is why I stick to grilled cheese you can always smell the cheese when it's done or set a kitchen timer that works too



[Dean, Sam, Jo, Krissy, and Isabel]

I spoke with Michael. He told me that he will keep his distance if we keep ours.

Also, I need some very old and expensive scotch. Recommendations would be appreciated.



What happens to the kids who show up here? Like, little kids and teenagers who are used to living at home with their parents and then suddenly their parents are gone and they don't know anyone and they can't leave because this place is like a giant cage and everything sucks. Where do they go?