Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Powered by InsaneJournal
Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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Powered by InsaneJournal

October 12th, 2017



Halloween party!

Ok, so after much back and forth I was able to get Blackwood Manor [address here]reserved for my Halloween Party! The party is on Halloween and will be starting at 8 pm and goes on all night! Costumes aren't required but encouraged!

Also, it's open invite so everyone and anyone is welcome to come and have fun!



I think I'm in need of a song refresh. Something fun and upbeat...work out music ideally. Any suggestions? I've included my playlist below. I'd like to try and get it up to an hour/hour and a half.

Roxy's Workout Playlist )

Stiles )



Has anyone else noticed that there are no poor people here in Preya? I haven't seen any beggars, or workhouses, and there aren't filthy and ragged muggles all over the place. Most of the muggles here can read, too.

Do you suppose it's deliberate, and the paupers simply aren't invited here? My father told me never to speak to muggles because of how dirty they are. Aunt Phoebe said that if you shook a muggle's hand you'd get an awful disease. I've been in Everdale for months and I think if that were true here then I'd be ill by now.

[Private to Richard Summerby]

Dear Mr  Richard  Mr Summerby,

I'm afraid that I am quite at a loss where the etiquette of these messages is concerned. Please do forgive me if I don't have it quite right. I tried to send a message to the magical community about the Halloween feast  I am planning. I wanted to further extend a personal invitation to you.. Whatever our differences, we are family, and we might not be surrounded by the ghosts and portraits of our ancestors here, but Halloween is still a time for valuing family in the ways that we can. It's also a reason for cheer and good spirits, which I hope our feast will have in abundance.

I would be delighted if you came to celebrate with us.




So here we are. Not dead...well still dead, but not all ghostly and whatnot. Bloody lot of fun that mess was, but now I'm back to the land of solids, smokes, and scotch.

First one of you kiddies who can tell me where to get a much needed drink will get a shiny nickel. Something strong is best, but toss in a pack of smokes and I'll call it a win all the same.



There is no me, there is no you! There is only the never ending spit and bile of combat! The twenty-four hour murder spree of shining metal! I drink the blood and eat the loot and breathe the numbers, because I AM A MONSTER! NOW AND FOREVER! I LOOKED INTO THE HEART OF DARKNESS, AND I ATE IT ALL!!! YOU CAN'T...nO...KILL thE litTle man in my HeaD...always LYING, ScaRed of the meat flesh and blood that feed the WORLD!


YOU CAN'T LOCK ME aAway forEVER...you can't.....



Sorry about that. He's...it's hard getting the hang of this all. I didn't think it was possible but it really worked. Damn if this place isn't amazing.

Sooooo the entire "you can't go back" thing, how legit is that? Let's say I just remembered leaving behind my favorite video game? Or something else of importance, I mean, hypothetically. There's no way to just have someone pop that thing over via portal or magic mirror?

I'm hurtin', guys. I'm hurtin'.



Man this place is so freaking cool! I mean, it could def use like a few more places to eat, but all in all, it will totes work!



I should have said something before now, but...oh well.

Hi, I'm Allison.



I don't want to do this. Is this thing even secure? Hello, my name is Mitch and I am being forced to introduce myself.

There, I said hello. Are you happy now?



Today, I found the most lovely specimen of Long Tailed Skipper, something I can assure you I didn't expect. It was most unfortunate that I didn't have my pad with me, or the encounter would have been far more pleasurable.

As it were, I quickly found none of my belongings suitable for even capturing a quality photo for later study. I'd appreciate any advice in where the best place to purchase a decent camera might be.

A proper bottle of whisky is also on my shopping list.