
Posts Tagged: 'truthiness+plot'

Apr. 26th, 2012



Open & Closed Again

Who: Parry LeComte and Orb Kaftan
What: Parry's a confusing little creeper, but at least he gives Orb insight toward a personal dilemma. It's kind of sweet. Oh, and Parry hired Daleks; they also talk about political pornography for a second.
When: Night of April 22nd
Where: Orb's apartment above Paramnesia, Anaheim
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

''It's locked,'' the irritable-sounding French accent from the other side of the door informed her tartly. )

Apr. 23rd, 2012




Who: Brandon Sullivan & Lucas North
What: Dinner following this
When: Monday evening
Where: Mr Chow Restaurant, Los Angeles
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

The ghost in my machine is set in such a good time right now. )

Apr. 22nd, 2012



"What? Was there a woodchuck under there? I swear I ran over a woodchuck!"

Who: Shepard and Scotty
What: Fixing a car, and worries about what one could do with a particle accelerator and a rocket.
When: Today!
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG-13!

I have no recollection of hitting that. It must have been after we picked up the hooker. )



"Xi'an's not seeing anyone right now."

Who: Kitty, Xi'an and Xi'an's ten year old twin siblings
What: Kitty and the twins interview each other for prospective moving in! With verbal vomit. And sibling plotting/meddling.
When: Recently! After Kitty and Jubilee spoke for sure.
Where: Kitty's apartment
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG-13!

Yeah, the single-person-with-two-kids thing kind of sucks for her dating life. She needs to date more. She's kinda old. )



After the beering

Who: Shepard, Garrus, and a random hooker with a sexy accent named Anna
What: What the hell happened last night?
When: Morning
Where: A motel room
Status: Complete!
Rating: Final Rating? PG-13 for hookers watching tv!

A strange case! )



We should visit. I'd like to meet your mother.

Who: Gaila and Scotty
What: Gaila tries to teach Scotty to Dance, which leads to some of Scotty's past, which leads to a fight. Somehow. Irish and Scottish tempers mix boom!
When: Before Pinkie's party.
Where: Mad Monty's
Status: Complete
RAting: pg-13

.....okay? )

Apr. 21st, 2012



"We realling having this conversation?"

Who: Kirk and McCoy
When: Last Night
Where: Jail, then Bones’s Apartment
What: Bail Outs, Missing Girlfriend Angst, Alcohol and Madnesss
Rating: This is a hard PG13 leaning into R territory. It’s probably not safe for work for discussion of sex and such.
We'll get each other more than lays )



"You all think you're from outer space."

Who: Jim Kirk, Janice Rand
What: Space talk, Kirk's explanation for the strange paintings, breakfast, bouncing quarters off dat ass, and hiring an organizer for a long-term project.
When: Morning times! The morning after Kirk got lost.
Where: Laguna Beach
Rating: PG13, some language
Status: Complete

Are you in a cult? )

Apr. 20th, 2012



Who: Buffy Summers, Graham
What: A rules-free meet-up. In this case, a movie screening in a graveyard.
Where: The Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles.
When: Friday night.
Rating: Let's go with PG.
Status: In progress!

It probably said something about Graham that he'd Googled the address first, and yet he'd still shown up to meet Buffy as scheduled. )



The Hotness has her secrets. Deep, dark terrible secrets.

Who: Kitty and The HotnessJubilee
What: Catching lunch together
Where: Some fast food joint
When: Today!
Rating: PG-13 for Jubileespeak and Old Spice parodies.
Status: Complete!

If the Hotness doesn't stop referring to herself in the third person, Kit Kat is going to dump her milkshake down the Hotness' shirt. )



Lets go Beering now!

Who: Shep and Garrus
What: Beering. (yes, its a verb, want to fight about it?)
Where: A Bar since Mad Dogs The Green Maid is closed for remodeling
When: Today!
Status: complete (I cannot deletes the in progress tag ;_; )
Rating: Its Shepard and Garrus. PG-13 at least. Rated R for the cuddles.

everyone is learning how! )



"Permission to speak freely again. You're a idiot."

Who: Alice, Janice Rand, Jim Kirk
What: crazy phonecall happens, then Janice gets truthful!blunt and Kirk gets lost. Then found. Then zonks.
When: Yesterday
Where: Janice's place, and undisclosed location of lostitudes
Rating: PG13, some language
Status: Complete

The hell. You didn't even wait to ask permission. )

Apr. 19th, 2012



"It'd be better if they were naked."

Who: McCoy and Chapel
What: Adventures in MMOs - part one!
Where: their seperate apartments + online
When: Today
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I can't take off more clothes than this. )



"Do you think we're aliens? Maybe we're aliens. Or cyborgs, like in that one show."

Who: Gaila and Uhura
What: Talking about dreams and other things.
Where: Green Maid
When: Today
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I have to admit the thought of us all being aliens has crossed my mind. )



"London, huh? Sounds awesome."

Who: Kitty and Roy
What: Security inspection, overly blunt talking, and friends are made!
Where: The Ranch
When: Today!
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

I almost ended up living there but I couldn't deal with a mature relationship at the ti-fuck! )




Who: Clint and Eowyn
When: Current
Where: A Park
What: Beer and hanging out!

Read more... )



"If I start asking you if things make my ass look fat, smack me."

Who: Gaila and Scotty, with Kirk on the phone
What: Cheering a Kirk up.
When: After Janice organized Gaila
Where: Mad Monty's
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Why would ye even ask me that? That's a question a lass would ask and there's never a right answer. )



Fit for the sort of people that worked running the rides in a traveling circus.

Who: Gaila and Janice
What: Organization! Extra bluntness! Pity for Kirk!
When: Yesterday
Where: The Green Maid (Formerly Mad Dogs and Englishmen)
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg13

Don't you insult this place! )




Who: Brienne of Tarth & Jaime Lannister
What: Drinks
When: Thursday night
Where: The Wharf @ Newport
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Jaime only shrugged. “I dreamed of you,” he said. )

Apr. 18th, 2012




Who: Pepper Potts & Tony Stark
What: Pepper runs into Tony at a board meeting the day after he was supposed to take her out to dinner. He is under the influence of the truthiness plot, but she is not. Chaos ensues!
When: Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Where: The 7th Door, restaurant
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Boy, you really got some nerve showing your face here. )



"Captain jackass doesn't need sleep."

Who: Jim Kirk, Janice Rand
What: Truthfully discussing alibis & getting dumped, unflattering pic is taken, pocket!universe!purse beating happens, naptime for Captain Jackass, and building pillow shielding forts around some guy's junk. QFT. Phew. Lotta quoting thar, mateys!
Where: Janice's house, Laguna Beach, CA
When: Yesterday
Status: Complete
Rating PG-13, language n' boner.

Captain Jackass will sleep when he’s dead. )



"Ze kitchen ees ready for ze inspection, ma'am!"

Who: Gaila and Scotty
What: Preparing the bar, revealing the last dream
Where: The Green Maid
When: Last night
Status: Complete
Rating PG-13, possibly R. sexual related trigger warnings

After you are done inspecting 'is tonsiles. )



"Did all that hurt?"

Who: Jack and Kitty
What: Getting her records back!
When: Uh, today?
Where: Pawn Shop!
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

Kinda liked it. )