Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Powered by InsaneJournal
Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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Powered by InsaneJournal

January 20th, 2019



By chance, has anyone heard from Kai Parker? It's been a while, and I am unable to get in contact with him. Or from now on, should we just assume it's that thing that happens when people disappear randomly and no one really knows why or how?

Have you been feeling alright with the potions? I know you don't need a reminder but it's in two days. You have been taking the potions as instructed, haven't you? We never decided what we were going to do that day. Are you coming to my place? I could set something up for you. I've never seen a werewolf transform. Does it.... hurt? Stupid question, nevermind. Have you spoken to Sirius? I never told you everything we talked about at the pub. Are you going to call out sick on Monday? Should I? Do you get hungry after you transform back? Should I have breakfast or something ready for you? What do you even wear? Don't your clothes get all torn up?

Should I stop asking 800 questions?



Has anyone seen my brother?

It has been quite a while since I've seen or spoken to Genji. I do hope he is well or around and just upset with me. I would hate to think otherwise with him.

[Private to the Rebels]

I fear the worst for my brother. I fear he is gone, taken away because he helped in your rebellion.

If that is the case, then I want whoever is responsible to pay. I finally had my brother back, alive, and we were making amends. Then this happens.

Life can be cruel, but I can be crueler. Whoever is responsible will learn never to mess with the Shimada Clan again.



Did a bit of cleaning and tidying up around the shop for the new year and I'm thinking of having a sale. I know automail parts and things like that aren't as needed here as they are back in Amestris, so I've managed to accumulate a bit more stock than I actually need. I also have wrenches and screwdrivers and other tools that could be useful for things other than automail repair. Inquire below if interested.

I may have just sprained my ankle in the process of picking stuff up around the shop. It doesn't hurt a lot, but I know once I get it out of my boot it'll swell. I'm not usually this clumsy but I found something that reminded me of Ed and accidents will happen, I guess. Could you maybe help get me some ice or something? Also, don't mind the bump on my head either. It looks worse than it is.



skudgbskdjbfsdfg AHHHHH I'm so behind on the homework! Crapfest 2K19. I've been so caught up in these games that I've lost track of everything. Homework. Time. Space. Beetles.


I still feed my babies, but I know they notice I'm totally out of it. Ughhhh do not want HOMEWORK. Please help someone? I'll pay you! In like, stag beetle food. XD LISTEN, food is food okay?

Shit I'm so gonna fail this year. DESPAIR! D:



Can't believe I'm getting rather good at nonverbal spells. Course I've only conjured up birds and changed the color of my eyebrows nonverbally. And the latter might not even be considered as an actual feat seeing as I how I can do that already and change my appearance at will. Potions, on the other hand, I'm dreadful at. I'm having loads of trouble with Golpalott's Third Law. It's called something else here, synergy or something like that, but it's inherently the same concept. I have heard it being mentioned before in other texts, but I'm finally getting in the thick of it and it's driving me mad. Guess I'll just have to study until my brain explodes. Or if anyone's got any good advice out there, I'm all ears.

Literally.... I can transform into two whole ears if necessary, though I suspect it might look odd.

Could I tell you something? It's about my friend, Hina.



So, I came here because my boyfriend had gotten himself blown up by a voodoo cannon ball and I'd been wallowing in grief over the fact that he was dead and I never got to kick his arse for getting killed.

Then what do you know? I get my phone call, ring Melee Island and Guybrush answers. Yep, that's right, my supposedly dead boyfriend.

And now I'm stuck here.

Also, what's the point of being a pirate when you can't actually go anywhere?

Ugh. I wish LeChuck was here so I could punch his ugly face.



this is not a distraction post

So, um..hi everyone! I thought I'd say hello to everyone who is new here. I'm Izuku Midoriya. One of the Hero kids everyone talks about, I guess. I'm not really all that special.

Anyway! I wanted to say hi to everyone new. And, well, ask if anyone wants to talk about Quirks. I mean, powers! Or whatever you call them. Or if you're really good at something, you know? Might be good to have that in mind.



So, this is Ravenmoore.

And look, there's social media here as well. Joy. Somebody waved at me on the street today too, but I don't expect anybody actually knows me here, so they must have confused me with someone else. Great. So far I have more questions than answers. I should be used to this by now. Spoiler alert: I'm not.

Anyway, hi. I'm Steve. New arrival. I don't want to give away too much, but I'm reaching out. I think I read somewhere there's a Stark building here? Finding it hard to catch my bearings. If the name Thanos means anything to you, get in touch.

Looking for information re: to the end of the line. If you're the party who sent this to me, please reply privately asap. [Codename: Jerk]



Oh, it's winter. That's weird.


Hey, Preya. Howzit going? Who missed me?



From my understanding, there are quite a few of my classmates here already. But I would be neglect not to introduce myself properly on this network first. Hello and greetings everyone. My name is Tenya Iida. If you are more familiar, I am also known as Ingenium, after my brother's Hero name.

For those even more familiar, I am the class 1-A Rep from U.A. It is my duty to help those in need and to protect my fellow students. Now that introductions are out of the way, I should take note of the following:

How many things has Bakugo exploded yet?

How many times have Kaminari and Kirishima been late to class?

I trust that Midoriya is staying out of trouble here. Todoroki, I trust that you are also doing well.

If I have missed anyone, I do apologize and will continue taking my time in reading up on things. What can you all tell me about this place called Preya?



I am finally well enough to make proper introductions, though I must ask that you forgive any blunders which may occur as I compose this message. I am quite unaccustomed to apparatuses of this sort. I had a friend back home, Henry Branwell. He enjoyed tinkering with mechanisms on a regular basis. I'm quite sure he would be rather fascinated by this place.

By the Angel, let me get on with my introduction.

My name is James Carstairs, but you may call me Jem. I am originally from Shanghai, but I have lived many a year in London. As I understand it, this is a place where people of extraordinary abilities reside. I myself am what is called a Shadowhunter, a Nephilim. Should you wish to know more about me, I would be happy to inform you. I am still unsure what sort of warlock magic or otherwise mundane invention has created the ability to meet and interact with others without seeing them face to face, but I am very pleased to make the acquaintance of all who read this at present.

On another note before I depart. Do be on the look out for a particularly feisty blue Persian Longhaired cat. He answers to the name Church, but he isn't very friendly. Apologies, but he followed me here. He won't bite but he can scratch. Just a warning.

Good day to you all.



[Private to Peter Parker]




This was probably a bad idea and I'm not usually the one with the bad ideas.

Hello! Scorpius Malfoy here!

So, I heard that I was here before, but it wasn't really me or it was some version of me that wasn't me. Or an older me that wasn't me either. Anyway! Long-short of it, I'm here. I'm... back? I suppose? I'll be attending classes at the magic school here. Not sure how that works entirely, but I was a sixth year at Hogwarts prior to coming here. I'm sure there'll be some sort of assessment exam, in which case personally, I feel like I could even skip a year. Not to brag, but I aced my O.W.L.s last year. Flying colors, I tell you! Though it took me about a week to recover as I think my brain couldn't take the cramming anymore, but what's done is done, yes?

Anyway... fancy meeting you all!