
June 3rd, 2018




Who: Katou and Izzy
What: Izzy brings treats to Katou after he detoxes
When: Mid-May
Where: Chateau Katou
Ratings/Warning: References to hard drug use
Status: Complete

I brought things that I hope will help you feel a bit better )




Who: Leon and Chase
What: Leon catches Chase trying to buy booze underage
When: Recently
Where: Leon's favourite liquor store
Warnings/Ratings: Language?
Status: Complete

He patted his front pocket for his notepad so he could get a signature, when he suddenly remembered where, exactly, he was seeing the seventeen-year-old football player. )




Who: Logan & Rose
What: Neena’s hurt
When: Right before these texts
Where: An ER
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

She can load the dice and make things come out better for her. Like a bullet missing her heart )




Who: William & Judy
What: Peep Attack!
When: April 1st
Where: Around Irvine
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Cheese and crackers! )




Who: Pyrrha and Ren
What: Ren dreams about what happens to Pyrrha and goes to check on her.
When: About two weeks ago
Where: Pyrrha's place
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

The worse part is feeling so helpless. )



And who’re ‘we’?

Who: Natasha & Judy
What: Judy’s getting blocked
When: After Neena’s situation
Where: Neena’s Place
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Complete!

Department of Homeland Security. )



How’d you want it to go?

Who: Rey and Finn
What: Valentine in Space
When: Right after Rey rescued Finn from her archnemesis Weiss in Feb
Where: Space
Status: Complete
Rating: PG
I was going to put fireworks on the Falcon while doing skywriting. )