
November 13th, 2017




Who: Blake and Ruby
What: Birthday Reading Picnic and serious talks
When: 1 October 2017
Where: Park
Warnings: References to abuse
Status: Log | Complete

Yeah, I’m trying to learn who I am without anyone telling me who I should be. )



You’re a murderer

Who: Neena, Harley
What: Harley accidentally helps Neena come up with a new cocktail
When: Last Monday
Where: Neena's Bar, The Inferno
Rating/Warnings: Lowish? There's alcohol drinking but that's about it
Status: Complete

I just might be. )




Who: Larabo
What: Fallout from the Grimm plot
When: A day or two after it ended
Where: Croft Manor
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

I could never ask you to deny your nature, especially when your life is in danger. )




Who: Nat, Jessica and Ozma
What: Tornados and bad guys oh my
When: Back during the RvB plot
where: A place with storms
status: complete
Rating: PG13
I wouldn't ask you to leave, but I would suggest we get into a stairwell if we don't want to go see the wizard. )




Who: Klaus and Rose
When: Early October. Waaaaay before Klaus turned XD
Where: Baxter's
What: First meeting
Rating/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

Do you think you’ve been persuaded to the dark side? )




Who: March & Rose
What: Hide ‘n Seek
When: Backdated to last week
Where: The Beach
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

I'm not like other boys )