
March 30th, 2017




Who: Vanessa and Tessa
When: March
Where: Much Ado About Books
What: Catching up with a friend
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Complete: Complete

Vanessa always enjoyed Tessa’s company )




Who: Cosima and Jemma
What: Checking up on the no longer dying Jemma, there are emotions and cuteness
When: Early March after Jemma woke up
Where: Agency medical center
Warnings: Should be low
Status: Log | Complete

Our own version of bad girl shenanigans. )




Who: Simon Lewis & Alecto Carrow
When: Backdated: Mid March
Where: A Street
What: Random run in; finally meeting in person
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Simon glanced down at his phone as he walked down the street, watching as his Pokemon trainer also walked down the street )




Who: Rebekah and Enzo
What: Catching Up
When: BACKDATED, Early March
Where: Enzo's house
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Enzo missed his girlfriend )