
March 3rd, 2015




Who: Anders & Leliana
What: Leliana hits up Anders for his services (the non sexual kind) and offers a donation for his clinic.
When: Probably before Cindy got rescued.
Where: Free clinic.
Rating/Warnings: Lowish!
Status: Complete!

Surely he had many things to do, many things to tend to, but hopefully an agreement could be settled upon. )




Who:Ed and Lina
What:Chatting and alchemy practice
When:Endish of Jan.
Where:Her place
Warnings:They eat a lot of stuff but none really.

Edward was bored. Bored, bored, bored... )




Who: Ed and Riza
What: Rescue
Where: Flower Alchemy
When: Early February
Warnings: none
Status: Complete

He stepped on the criminals arm without realizing it but didn’t seem to care at all at the complaint he received )




Who:Neal and Ed
What:Ed visit the ranch (brief mention of Riza!)
When:Sometime after the attempted robbery of Flower Alchemy
Where:Said ranch!
Warnings:None. A is for awkward?

I'm still hungry you know.. )




Who: Lina, Elizabeth, Rogue, Booker
What: Elizabeth's dreams are deadly.
When: This morning, early.
Where: Their house.
Rating/Warnings: R for dark subject matter. Triggers for blood, brief character death.
Status: Complete.

The memories of what we have done fade only with the dimming of all lights. )




Who: Tony Stark and Clint Barton
When: Recently
Where: Tony’s Lab
What: Checking in
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Helen and Ashley
What: Magnus Family Reunion! Sort of.
When: February 1st
Where: Ashley’s apartment
Warnings: Low
Status: Complete upon posting!

It was a peace offering )




Who: Athos and D’Artagnan
When: During the crimewave
Where: Out and about
What: Being action heroes
Rating: Low/None
Status: Complete

Athos and D’Artagnan were enjoying a day off together )



That's the first diamond from our newest mine.

Who: Maleficent and Aurora
What: It's Aurora's birthday!
When: 3/1/2015
Where: Maleficent kind of rented a beach area
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo

Help me put it on? )




Who: Martha Jones and Nina Pickering
What: Two friends catching up
When: Backdated: End of February
Where: A Bar
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

It had been awhile since Martha had seen Nina aside from in passing in the halls or the cafeteria at the hospital )




Who: Roy Harper and Dick Grayson
What: Roy makes a slightly creepy first impression
When: Backdated: Mid February
Where: The Mall
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

Since Dick had gotten up, the last thing Roy expected was the hear his voice behind him )




Who: Sharon Carter and Aramis
When: Recently
Where: Work
What: Catching up in the break room
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

She smiled, relaxing instantly at the sight of him. )