
February 14th, 2014



Who: Neena Thurman and Ororo Munroe
What: A professional pow-wow
When: 2/11
Where: Ororo's office
Rating: PG13, talk of outing, homophobia, anti-gay reaction
Status: Complete

You're a lifesaver. Probably literally )




Who: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
When: Valentine’s Day
Where: The Office
What: Valentine’s Day flirting
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Tony had said before that he wouldn’t know what was going on in the world without Pepper there to guide him. )




Who: Tiffany and Wally
When: Valentine’s Day
Where: Wally’s place
What: Valentine’s Day/Pregnancy Scare
Rating/Warning: Low/Pregnancy Scare
Status: Complete

Women were confusing. )




Who: Audrey and Merlin
When: Valentine’s Day
Where: Starting at the bakery
What: Valentine’s Day
Rating/Warning: Slightly high/body image issues, innuendo
Status: Complete

Valentine’s Day was only the epitomy of the self-consciousness. )




Who: Samandriel & Damon Salvatore
Where: Egypt
What: After Effects of Everything
When: 2/1
Rating: Pretty low (some language)
Status: Complete

Sitting at the shore, making decisions, finding peace )




Who: Castiel & Dean Winchester
What: An unwelcome guest
When: Feb 10th
Where: The Sprawling and Majestic Winchester Estate
Rating: High. Bad words and slurs, also eventual married people stuff.
Status: Complete

Today, tomorrow. A year from now. Whenever. )




Who: Zuko and Draco
When: Valentine’s Day
Where: Their place
What: Valentine’s Day
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

Die Hard isn't that thought provoking. )




Who: Snape and Draco
When: Early February
Where: Tea Shoppe
What: meet and chat
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete!

Severus was in awe of the things they could do with a tea plant. )




Who: Amy Pond and John Watson
When: After these texts on Feb 4, 2014
Where: Starting at Amy/Zuko’s place
What: Celebrating her divorce becoming final
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

If 'It’s a Small World' had come on her ipad, she would have claimed that she /loved/ that song, too. )




Who: Deryn and Sam
When: Early February
Where: Their place
What: Cuteness
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

There came a great ‘oof!’ sound out of him as a tiny, blonde body landed on top of the sasquatch. )


Who: Cecil and Carlos
What:  Coffee
When: 2/14
Where: A…coffee shop.
Rating: Low? tbd
Status:  In Progress

Coffee has no heart themed connotations that Carlos is aware of. )




Who: Damian Wayne and Dick Grayson
What: Getting to know each other and acrobatics
When: Backdated: Saturday, January 25th. Late Afternoon
Where: Dick's Warehouse Apartment
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Damian knew that Dick wasn’t the same Dick as in his dreams )



"Alright, we're here. You can open your eyes now

Who: Lara and Sam
What: Sam has a V-day surprise!
When: 2/14
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13
Oh Sam... )




Who: Irisa and Izzy
What: Training
Where: Gym
When: Feb
Rating/warning: Pg Talk of violence
Status: Complete

Izzy had been informed by the receptionist that her new friend was already in the training room )


Who: Obi-Wan, Padme, and Anakin
When: Recently
Where: The former Casa Tynobi
What: Obi-Wan plays realtor, and then a serious discussion about dreams to come
Rating/Warning: PG-13, for discussion of death
Status: Complete

The exterior of the house appeared as though nothing had changed. )




Who: Elphaba and Elsa
What: Meeting and talking about magic
Where: A cafe
When: February
Rating / warning: PG / none
Status: Complete

Magical Friends )