
September 18th, 2013




Who: Alice Morgan & Commander Shepard
What: Face-off
When: 9/16
Where: Department store in Santa Ana
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

All the time in the world )


Who: Oyama Yuriko & Turin Turambar
What: Turin's recovery
When: 9/16, Monday
Where: Irvine General
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Just this once ... I can be coddled without complaint )




Who: Michael Glass and Izzy Lightwood
What: A little flirting and talking before his set
When: Backdated to Tuesday, September 18th
Where: Baxter Bakery
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

”Always )




Who: Darcy Lewis and Jane Foster
What: Finding Jane and taking her to the hospital.
When: Backdated to the kryptonite plot
Where: The hospital and other places
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Something was wrong. )




Who: Rogue, Gin Ichimaru
What: Potential robbings leads to Rogue having bad times with a near mugging, which somehow turned into murderings as a means of retribution. Or as a smiling Gin might say, "Ooops. Knife slipped an' landed in ya."
When: Beginning of Sept, before the Kryptonite Plot happened.
Warnings: High. Read the What (above) and it'll be pretty apparent this isn't smut but it's probably not happy go fluffy rainbow and kitten times. Especially the cover up part. *facepalm*
Status: Complete!

Once ya wash the blood off, you'll probably feel better. )



Who: Finn and Margaery
When: August 23rd
Where: The Red Raven
What: Conversation about Dreaming
Rating/Warning: Medium/Talk of death in dreams
Status: Complete

It’s actually nice to be pulled away from my thoughts for awhile )




Who: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Orihime Inoue
What: Meeting for the first time for coffee. :D
When: Before the kryptonite plot.
Where: some coffee shop in the OC.
Warnings: Low/None.
Status: Complete!

So what do you think of this place so far, Inoue-san? )



Oh, God, here, take her back.

Who: Navi and Zelda
When: After the baby was born!
Where: Navi’s place
What: Visit!
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

I’ll go change her in her room, you wash up and do whatever barfing you need to do. )




Who: Jim and Hermione
When: Toward the end of the Kryptonite Plot
Where: Their home
What: Paranoid delusions and accusations?
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

You’re starting to sound like Fox Mulder. )




Who: Neena Thurman and Thomas Raith
Where: Greymalkin
What: talking about things
When: 9/11
Warnings/Rating: conversation about a high risk pregnancy
Status complete

We’ll get through this )