
February 24th, 2013




Who: Remy Hadley (Narrative)
What: Recklessness.
When: About a week ago.
Where: A random bar.
Rating: Low? It hints at future sex, but that's as far as it goes.
Status: Complete!

Life was precious. She shouldn’t be wasting what little time she had left. )




Who: Leela and Thor
Where: Library
What: Meetings and a friendship begins
When: After the plague, before sorrow
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status Complete

Hope is renewed... )




Who: Gaz and Azula.
What: WONDERLAND DESTRUCTION. (Not all of it. Just bits.)
When: Saturday night, during the Wonderland Plot.
Where: The streets of the OC.
Rating: R for violence against teapots and playing cards, as well as mentions of murder.
Status: Complete!

It didn’t appear to make her smile. )




Who: Arya Stark and Gendry Waters
What: Arya has been told to stay in, but does she listen?
When: Sunday, February 24th. Early Afternoon
Where: A park in Laguna Beach
Rating: Low to start, but the OC is pretty crazy at the moment.
Status: Complete

If it was possible, talking flowers trumped every other crazy thing going on at the moment )




Who: Tessa & Zach
What: Valentine's date, & exploring couple-hood
When: backdated to Feb. 14
Where: Zach's apartment
Rating: PG13 for makeouts
Status: Complete

Will you teach me how to tango?


WHO: Joker & Serafina
WHAT: Defending the planes from the Wonderland mischief.
WHERE: Orange County Airfield.
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon.

He needed a hat. )




Who: Damian and Alyssa.
What: Damian learns that knocking is important.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where: Her bedroom.
Rating: R for frank sexual discussion and consenting sex acts between two teenagers whose PBS and authors are over eighteen.
Status: Complete!

Finally. )




WHO: Damian Wayne and Alyssa Hamilton
WHAT: A First Date and Other Discussions
WHEN: Backdated: Wednesday, February 20th. Early Evening
WHERE: A burger joint then the park
RATING: PG-13 for talk of sex
STATUS: Complete

All day Damian had been watching the clock, waiting for the time when he could leave and get back to Alyssa )




Who: Lulu and Nikola.
When: Feb 13
Where: Their home
What: Talking about The Future.
Rating: NSFW
Warnings: Bloodplay during coitus.
Status: Complete!

Hello, beautiful. )