
February 23rd, 2013




Who: Thor and Clarice
Where: The Hollywood sign, then the cafe they like.
What: A meeting and comforting between two friends, and plans are made.
When: 02/20, just before wonderland
Warnings/Rating: PG-13
Status Complete

For Love, and Life, and Hope... )



hose of us with power have a responsibility to use it in times of need.

Who: Lorna and Gandalf
What: Giant mushrooms, floating things, and evil castles
When: Friday
Where: Stark Tower, then the Red Queen’s Castle
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for drug references

I’m just worried I’ll become part of the problem down the line. )




Who: Gwen Stacy, Tenth Doctor, TARDIS, Tinkerbell, Amy Pond, Billy horrible, John Watson
When: Feb 16
Where: Gwen and 10’s place
What: LUAU
Rating: H for Hilarious! No really, pretty low.
Status: Complete, with other threads tagging onto this.

It was almost time for the luau! )




Who: Billy and Tink
When: Night of the Luau here
Where: Gwen and John's place
What: Partying hardy. Or awkwardly. Whichever.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

He had the ability to make almost anything a slight obsession. )




Who: Tenth Doctor and TARDIS
When: The morning after the luau
Where: Gwen and 10’s place
What: Tara wakes up in John’s bed.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

Hair of the dog. )




Who: Tenth Doctor and TARDIS
When: The start of Wonderland Weekend, Thursday February 21
Where: Orange County
What: They’re in a new world. Obviously the Doctor and his TARDIS are out to investigate.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

Think we’ll find a cheshire cat, or a caterpillar with a hookah next? )