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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: '%21plot+week'

Oct. 9th, 2016



Who: Mason and Willette Sullivan
What: Willette’s dying, crazy alternate reality magic happens
Where: The Baxter Building, NY
When: Saturday night, October 8th 2016
Warnings: Nothing major. Weird Maximoff sibling shit.

She wasn’t a hero. She didn’t care about saving the world. She just wanted to save her brother )

Oct. 4th, 2016



Who: Ellie Morgan and Rana Mistry
What: Honestly, it's not as if they haven't (re)met this way before...
Where: The Reincarnate Clinic
When: Tuesday, October 4, 2016; afternoon
Warnings: Language, mostly. Brief references to violence and sex. They're Blood, it's part of the package.
Status: Complete

You weren't supposed to come back to me like this again. )

Oct. 3rd, 2016



Who: Jace Kent and Joseph Melville
What: Spock is sick and Kirk is having none of it
Where: Joseph's place
When: Monday, October 3rd 2016
Warnings: TBD, sick Joseph mostly

If the mountain won't come to Mohammed )

Oct. 1st, 2016



Who: Charlotte McBride (narrative)
What: Thanks to too many bad memories Charlotte splits for the trailer
Where: Just outside Portland, Oregon at Nick's Grimm trailer
When: Late Saturday night, October 1st
Warnings: NA beyond mentions of the protests and her past as a Trueborn

It was time to run once again. )

Sep. 26th, 2016



Who: Anonymous
What: A deadly virus is being released
Where: The London Agency (London, UK)
When: Late Monday morning, September 26th 2016
Warnings: N/A

This was his purpose. This was his legacy )

Nov. 1st, 2015



Who: Violet Ward
What: Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?
Where: Her apartment in Chicago
When: Late Saturday night, October 31st 2015
Warnings: Suggestive content, a dead body. Happy Halloween!

If she was getting sexiled, she was sleeping with her own comforter )

Oct. 31st, 2015



Who: Leander Durant & Léon Pierroux
What: They dance, they kiss, Leander bites… (2/2)
Where: New Orleans, Louisiana
When: Saturday, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: Some neck action, ifyouknowwhatImean.

I've never tasted heaven... only hell. )



Who: Leander Durant & Léon Pierroux
What: They dance, they kiss, Leander bites… (1/2)
Where: New Orleans, Louisiana
When: Saturday, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: None, this part.

Even the devil isn't immune to temptation. )



Who: Casey Snow
What: There's baby paraphernalia in the road.
Where: Devon. Somewhere. She thinks she’s lost now.
When: Saturday night, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: Creepy stuff, a bit of blood. Nothing too gorey. Implied character death/kidnapping/something like that.

In the dark and slightly foggy surroundings, the trees on either side that leaned in close looked incredibly creepy. )

Who: Ender and Melissa
What: Where’s that annoying dripping sound coming from?
Where: Melissa’s apartment in NYC
When: Saturday, October 31st; 2:03am
Warnings: Animal death, general terror and trauma

It was a few minutes after two in the morning, and he had no idea what had woken him up. )

Oct. 27th, 2015



Who: Kat Thorn, Mike Richards, Liam Walker, Scott Morgan & later Lydia Evans (also anyone else in Camelot is free to join in)
What: Power goes out in the castle. The Scooby Gang investigates. Things get spooky.
Where: Camelot Castle, Glastonbury UK
When: Saturday night, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary...

What was better on Halloween night than a party in a creepy castle? )



Who: Elliot & Kylie Kensington
What: The call is coming from inside the house
Where: Upper East Side, Manhattan NY
When: Saturday night, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: Creepiness, fire, and DRAGONS.

They'd just gotten to the part where Tatum was about to get killed by a garage door )

Oct. 25th, 2015



Who: EVERYONE. Everyone is invited.
What: This is Halloween.
Where: The Bates Motel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
When: Saturday night, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: Every kind of warning probably.

Checking in. )



WHO. The reincarnation of Samhain.
WHAT. Introducing the world of reincarnates to a little Halloween-themed mischief.
WHERE. Athens, Ohio.
WHEN. Saturday, October 31st 2015
WARNINGS. None in particular.

Happy Hallowe'en! )

Oct. 31st, 2014



Who: David Ryan & OPEN (feel free to use this as a group party thread also)
What: Vampire on the prowl
When: Friday night, October 31st 2014
Where: Some Halloween party somewhere
Warnings: TBD? He vants to suck your blood

He only craved one thing: blood )



Who: Harper Gray & Aaron Lawrence
What: Jail break!
When: Friday night, October 31st 2014
Where: Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center (NYC)
Warnings: TBD? You never know with them.

Maybe she was just as mad, and sure, she was more than likely a little delusional about this, but this was a mad love, baby )

May. 26th, 2014



Who. Adrienne O'Carroll & Robert Kingsley
What. Getting revenge
Where. Senator Scott's offices in D.C.
When. Forward dated to late Monday night, May 26th 2014
Warnings. Violence & death. Lots of death.

Avada Kedavra )



WHO: Mitchell Lance and Samantha Ellis
WHAT: A run-in with anti-reincarnate protesters turns violent, and secrets are revealed.
WHEN: Earlier afternoon, May 26th
WHERE: the Upper West Side, Manhattan
WARNINGS: Violence (really, people should just assume this with me by now), probably language.

I can ride my bike with no handlebars... )

May. 23rd, 2014



Who: Charlotte McBride (stand-alone)
What: Escaping the clinic
Where: Clinic and going into Fabletown
When: Late Friday/Early Saturday
Warnings: Church of the Trueborns will be mentioned, trust issues, very paranoid and still in recovery from the virus reincarnate

It was time to fly. )

May. 24th, 2014



Who: Silas Henderson and Nate Henderson.
What: Meeting up, yo.
Where: Clinic.
When: Friday Evening.
Warnings: I dunno. Tracy's probably going to be violent.
Things )