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Posts Tagged: 'laura+meyhew'

Apr. 2nd, 2011



Who: Laura Meyhew
What: Maybe she is the swooning type
When: Friday Night and Saturday Morning
Where: Camelot Enterprises Manhattan and Camelot Castle

Even with her powers of persuasion, she hadn't been able to get through the quarantine. )

Dec. 9th, 2010



Who: Daniel Morgan and Laura Meyhew
What: They're working. Totally working.
When: Thursday, December 9 2010
Where: Camelot HQ, Daniel's room. -coughs-
Warnings: TBD?

It was probably a little unprecedented for the leader of Camelot and his head of security to be working out of his bedroom, but then again, it was probably just as unprecedented for them to be doing everything else they'd been doing for the past couple months as well )

Oct. 31st, 2010



Who: Camelot members and their approved guests
What: Halloween party in a (temporarily) haunted castle, what could be better?
When: Sunday night, October 31 2010
Where: Camelot castle in Glastonbury, England
Warnings: Errr. Possibly a lot, probably none? Who knows.

Moving paintings and ghost-like holograms could be seen at almost every turn and if Briar hadn't been so excited and pleased by it all, she might have actually been a little spooked )

Oct. 7th, 2010



Who: Nate Roth and Laura Meyhew.
What: Nate goes hunting for his girl. It doesn't end well.
When: Shortly after Nate receives the news about Abi.
Where: Chicago (Sideway's World)
Warnings: Angst. Revelations. Betrayal. Heartbreak.

He couldn't even begin to cope. )

Oct. 3rd, 2010



Who: Laura Meyhew
What: The beginning of a week of evil
When: Sunday Night
Where: Her apartment

She was the best, and she would prove it. )

Oct. 2nd, 2010



Who: The entire Morgan and Evans family (what's left of them, anyway), Camelot members, other random funeral goers, and a surprise guest in the shape of one Ava Prince
What: Camelot and his family say goodbye to Daniel's father, Matthew Morgan. Then they get another blind side to the face.
When: Saturday afternoon, October 2, 2010
Where: Glastonbury Abbey Cemetery in Glastonbury, England.

He was in charge of everything now, he didn't have the time to mourn his father the way he had his brother. The time to be who he was, that was over, now he had to be untouchable )

Sep. 27th, 2010



Who: Daniel Morgan and Laura Meyhew
What: Late night at Camelot HQ. I think you all know where this is going. FINALLY.
Where: Camelot Castle
When: Monday night, September 27 2010
Warnings: Light nausea? Ridiculous angst? TOO MUCH CUTE.

To act on his feelings for the devastatingly beautiful Jedi was wrong on so many levels. Not to mention completely unprofessional, and dangerous to both of them in an alarming amount of ways )

Sep. 19th, 2010



Who: The JL 2.0 + Fletcher Charleston
What: Come to Jesus meeting. Basically. With a side of OH NOES, FUGITIVE IN DA HOUSE.
When: Sunday afternoon, September 19 2010
Where: The JL head quarters in Manhattan, NY
OOC Note: Everyone in the JL is welcome to participate! If you don't tag in, we'll just assume your character was there, but since this is a big plot twist for the JL if you want your character to have a say in what goes on today you might want to consider tagging in. The posting order is generally a free for all! Try to follow whatever order takes shape as people tag in? But it's fine to go out of turn, we don't care. :) And it's fine to start your own sub threads, however you want to do it.

If this went over badly, Jen didn't know what she'd do. She loved this group, she depended on this group. If people left because of this, she would probably have a very real nervous break down )



Who: Laura Meyhew and Kace Tailor
What: Wine and space-girl talk
When: Late Saturday Night
Where: Camelot Castle

Here we are. Now, let's bitch about men. )