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Posts Tagged: 'nick+lafayette'

Mar. 14th, 2011



Who: Lilith Junya & Nick Lafayette
What: Blood Related - father and daughter meeting
When: (Backdated to) Tuesday afternoon
Where: Tea shop in Chicago
Warnings: None. For a pirate and a demon, they’re surprisingly tame.

Nice boots. )

Feb. 15th, 2011



Who: Nick Lafayette and Michelle Kingston
What: Nick is perfectly innocently returning the books he stole...
When: Monday Night
Where: Michelle's Home
Warning: Contains Angels and Demons, handle with care

It still counted as a surprise. )

Feb. 4th, 2011



Who: Helene Richardson, Cassie MacMahon and later Michelle Kingston and Nick Lafayette
What: Alastair takes Sam Winchester captive and an angel and a demon come to her rescue. This could actually be an episode on SPN?
Where: An abandoned shack off of Route 66
When: Friday night, February 4th 2011
Warnings: Violence and more violence, and a character death.

Torture wasn't a sprint, it was a marathon, and they fully intended on going the distance with this one )

Nov. 14th, 2010



Who: Nicolas Lafayette
What: Visiting his family
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: A cemetery outside New Orleans

In what would have been his normal lifespan he'd tried to have a normal life. Looking back, those days seemed impossibly peaceful and easy. )

Oct. 4th, 2010



Who: Michelle Kingston and Nick Lafayette
What: Lucifer is an asshole Angel and Demon come together under not the best of circumstances. The day after this.
When: Monday, October 4, 2010 (Sideway's World)
Where: St. James Park, England. Then a trip Downstairs.
Warnings: Awkward Angst? And now Nick has the torcha scrunchie, so, warning to all. There will be blood.

She'd been expecting this at some point, she just hadn't counted on the other person involved. In some sick and twisted way she would actually rather it be Nick then someone she didn't trust )

Jun. 2nd, 2010



Who: Rebecca Rice & Nick Lafayette
What: Two demons walk into a bar...Results may vary.
When: Backdated to Memorial Weekend!
Where: New Orleans
Warnings: To be determined