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Posts Tagged: 'julius+weaver'

Dec. 22nd, 2017


Who: Julius Weaver and Petra Danvers
What: The man who never asks for help meets the woman who can't walk away when someone needs it.
Where: New York City
When: Thursday, December 21; evening
Warnings: Panic attacks, discussion of past violence, anything else TBD

Christmas wasn't the easiest time of year for anybody old enough to have stopped believing in Santa Claus. )

Sep. 4th, 2017


Who: Julius Weaver and Raphael Cruz
What: And on Labor Day, the philanthropist sees his shadow.
Where: Jules's apartment, upper east side of NYC
When: Monday, September 4; evening
Warnings: TBD but probably none

If Jules hadn't suffered from near crippling anxiety it would never have occurred to him to look in the first place. )

Jul. 10th, 2017



Who: William Lee and Julius Weaver
What: While some people are out celebrating Independence Day, others are helping people that need it the most.
When: Backdated to July 4th, afternoon
Where: P.S. 175 Henry H Garnet, Harlem

He selfishly wanted to get out from the kitchen and take a short walk around to see how his handiwork had paid off. )

Jun. 20th, 2017


Who: Julius Weaver
What: Some days are worse than others.
Where: Weaver International offices in New York City, New York
When: Tuesday, June 20; afternoon.
Warnings: Mental health issues (panic attacks, PTSD).

He wasn't going to break under one more burden stacked onto all the rest. )