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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'andrei+kovac'

Oct. 29th, 2017



Who: Andrei Kovac and Rowan Stark
What: An overdue conversation.
Where: Drei's apartment, NYC.
When: Sunday, October 29; evening
Warnings: TBD

Tonight was about getting Rowan to himself for a little while. )

Aug. 19th, 2016



Who: Rowan Stark and Drei Kovac
What: After the full moon, wolf boys being wolf boys
Where: White Mountain National Forest (Maine)
When: Early Friday morning, August 19th 2016
Warnings: TBD but there will be naked kissing

There was always the chance of them coming across a pair of unsuspecting hikers that might actually be scandalized by their lack of clothing )

Mar. 23rd, 2016



Who: Drei Kovac and Rowan Stark
What: Because enjoying naked cuddles after full moons does mean something.
Where: Rowan’s apartment, NYC.
When: Thursday, March 24th, sometime soon after dawn.
Warnings: PG-13; some semi-clothed snuggling and making out.

They had lives outside of running around in the woods. )

Dec. 25th, 2015



Who: Rowan Stark & Andrei Kovac
What: Morning after a full moon
Where: Rowan's apartment
When: Friday morning, December 25th 2015
Warnings: More Christmas-y fluff

It wasn't like he really had to get up, he could probably have slept all day if he'd wanted to, but it was still Christmas, and Rowan had a friend on the couch )

Nov. 25th, 2015



Who: Rowan Stark & Andrei Kovac
What: Full moon wolf-y fun
Where: White Mountain National Forest (Maine)
When: Wednesday night/Thursday morning, November 25/26th 2015
Warnings: Werewolf shenanigans?

Half of him was still hoping that it was a fluke, that whatever had happened on Halloween to make him turn wasn't going to doom him to all future full moons for the rest of his life )

Sep. 27th, 2015



Who: Drei Kovac (narrative)
What: Things are far simpler, for a wolf.
When: Sunday, September 27; night
Where: Woods outside of Garberville, California

It hurt. It always hurt. )

Sep. 7th, 2015



Who: Andrei Kovac & Corbin Thompson
What: This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.
Where: Their Corbin's house
When: Monday, September 7th; evening
Warnings: Angst. A lot of angst. And language.

Drei was already packed before he realized that he was leaving. )

Aug. 1st, 2015



Who: Andrei Kovac, Corbin Thompson, and Sophia Thompson (NPC)
What: It's Sophia's second birthday party!
Where: Corbin's house
When: Saturday, August 1st, morning.
Warnings: Domestic schmoop and an adorable baby.

These are the pinkest cupcakes I've ever seen. )

Oct. 12th, 2014



Who: Pandora Bludsworth and Andrei Kovac (and others...>.> maybe)
What: Pandora has come up with a magnificent idea!...Not.
When: Backdated...Saturday night?
Where: Santa Monica, California
Warnings: Gross AU character death. Ugh.

She hadn't dared talk to the Agency or Camelot. )

Oct. 10th, 2014



Who: Corbin Thompson and Drei Kovac
What: Drei needs some help controlling the beast.
When: Friday, October 10th, afternoon
Where: Corbin's office
Warnings: TBD. It's going to be dark.
Status: Incomplete

One thing he did know all about was feeding the wolf. )

Sep. 5th, 2014



The man of my dreams.

Who: Corbin Thompson & Andrei Kovac
What: They’ve always been kind of inevitable.
Where: Their dreams… and a bar in San Francisco, CA.
When: Backdated to Saturday, August 30th.
Rating: PG-13

Something was happening, something big was happening, and it was tied into that figure, that person down the way.  )

Aug. 7th, 2014



Who: Andrei Kovak and Cadence Moreno
What: Brother and sister meeting for the first time since getting reincarnates!
Where: Encore Express Hotel, San Francisco
When: Sunday 3rd August
Rating: G. I'm pretty sure it's G. They're related.

She had a lot to confess this week )