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Posts Tagged: 'zachary+evans'

Aug. 24th, 2016



Who: Zach Evans and Noah Lazarus
What: Some domestic fluff, and an interesting discussion.
Where: Zach's apartment.
When: Wednesday night.
Warnings: Sex, talks about sex, and maybe language.

He hadn't ever considered that there would be a time in his life that when there was an option of going out, versus staying in with someone, he would willingly pick staying in and watching a movie with someone. )

Aug. 29th, 2015



Who: THE MORGAN/EVANS CLAN. Plus Devin, the big faker
What: New brother is meeting the rest of the family
Where: London, England
When: Saturday afternoon, August 29th 2015
Warnings: TBD? Definitely nothing too major.

No matter how many lives you lived, if you had a fate, you were bound to it )

Mar. 22nd, 2015



Who: Jess & Lucas Hendrie + ALL OF CAMELOT & PLUS ONES (whoever wants to tag into the reception)
What: Their wedding reception! And a brief glimpse into the ceremony
Where: A private venue in Glastonbury
When: Sunday evening, March 22nd, 2015
Warnings: Uh. Camelot party?
Notes: No official posting order. Also, time is fluid. Feel free to jump around.

... Ah, screw it. Luc, I'm pregnant )

Feb. 5th, 2015



Who: Zachary Evans, Eve Foster, and Lydia Evans.
What: It's been awhile since someone got shot.
Where: Camelot Enterprises press conference room.
When: Thursday morning.
Warnings: Shooting, blood, almost death, sad things.

Just a regular, completely normal, follow up press conference. Zach was actually a little bored with it. )

Feb. 4th, 2015



Who: Zachary Evans and Noah Lazarus
What: Big reincarnate revelations.
Where: Noah's apartment.
When: Late Monday night/early Tuesday morning.
Warnings: Extreme drunkenness, cursing, hitting, and stupidity.

He should be mad. Why wasn't he getting mad with him? Goddamnit, Noah. )

Aug. 14th, 2014



WHO: All members of Camelot. Throw them in here in separate threads based on who they're supposed to train with! ERRYBODY GET UP.
WHERE: The Lost Woods in Hyrule.
WHEN: Backdated to August 13th, the respective times for the departments.
WARNINGS: Definitely violence. Definitely cursing. Everything else TBD.

Link! Link! Listen! )

May. 9th, 2014



Who: James Shepherd (Joseph Lisale) and Zachary Evans (Jack Benjamin)
Where: An alehouse in VA
When: Friday evening
What: James needs to pass along some information
Warnings: recall of suicide possible? other than that, pretty tame.

Conflicted, yet determined )