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Posts Tagged: 'charlotte+evans'

Jul. 4th, 2020




Who: All Camelot members & affiliates! No strange, sorry
What: Camelot's annual summer solstice party
Where: Camelot Castle (Glastonbury, UK)
When: Backdated to Saturday, June 20th, 2020 (all day/night, feel free to time jump around)

For all of the celebrations that Camelot holds during the year, the summer solstice is perhaps the most steeped in something that resembles real ritual. Blink and you might miss it, but it's there, in every hanging of green along the castle walls or ember that sparks from the bonfire that burns until dawn. Camelot is home to many reincarnates of all different backgrounds and not all have a personal connection to the earth, but there's a magic in the land that protects them all. That magic is more tangible on days like this, the castle and the grounds that surround it somehow seeming even more enchanted.

It's a day to celebrate many things, marked by festivals and celebrations all around the world to welcome the first day of summer. It's a day marked by endings, new beginnings and rebirth. In the very early days of Camelot, Midsummer marked a more literal celebration of rebirth, celebrating the blessings of life and fertility with the kind of hedonistic rituals that have no place in the world anymore. The Morgan family and Camelot have long ago left those traditions behind for something more spiritual, but their intimate connection to the land and the magic that runs within it remains ever strong.

The traditional bonfires are still lit on the highest hills inside Camelot's borders, though in more recent years hardly anyone recognizes the ancient pagan belief that a bonfire on Midsummer's Eve keeps evil spirits at bay. Small spires wrapped in lush greens are erected all over the grounds, greenery is hung from every available surface on the exterior of the castle and the far off stables to bring good fortune and health to its people and animals. Paper boats are filled with flowers and set out on the lake to drift throughout the day, once a way of honoring the Goddess and now a practice for those who find the visual soothing, a precursor to the colorful fireworks that take place over the lake later on in the evening.

No more altars, no more stone circles. Not since a full moon joined the summer solstice four years prior for the first time in over seventy years and a poor, unsuspecting follower wandered too far from a ley line. For as far as Camelot has strayed from old traditions, there are some things that still hold unquestionable power over the setting sun and rising moon, and even modern institutions can fall prey to the wiles of Fae tricks. Mortals be ever fools.

The inside of the castle is littered with candles and wreaths decorating countless tables of food and drink, while the grounds are covered in paper lanterns and twinkling lights to illuminate even the darkest paths. You can hear the faint sounds of music even from the farthest edges of the borders, though to anyone beyond it, all they would hear are the peaceful sounds of day passing and night falling. It's been decades since any traditional garb was required though some more eccentric members still choose to paint themselves for the occasion, but for most, it's simply an excuse to honor the day. Celebrations begin at sunrise and stretch on well into the night to pay tribute to the balance between light and darkness, while basking in the extended presence of the sun. Midsummer, after all, is when daylight feels as if to never end (so drink responsibly).

Jan. 25th, 2020



Who: Charlotte Evans and Ellie Morgan (and a special NPC guest)
What: Waking up.
Where: Charlotte's mind (and also Camelot's private hospital)
When: January 25th 2020
Warnings SAD.

I can't remember what I'm fighting for. )

Dec. 7th, 2013



Who. Two NPC's employed by Moriarty (plus NPC's Charlotte Evans & Mallory "Frost" Reynolds)
What. Willa Thompson captures the queen and checkmates
Where. Camelot castle and the half-rebuilt Camelot Enterprises in London
When. Saturday night, December 7th 2013
Warnings. Mentions of violence and character deaths

Game. Set. Match. )

May. 7th, 2013



Who. Any and all members of Camelot! Also open to any Resistance members that want to crash
What. Camelot takes the night off to drink and be merry
Where. A pub in London, England
When. Tuesday night, May 7th 2013
Warnings. TBD? Let's get crunk

After all, what could go wrong with gathering a few of your nearest and dearest in a public place for a drink or two? )

Oct. 29th, 2012



Who. All members of Camelot & invited guests
What. Halloween party!
Where. Camelot Castle (Glastonbury, England)
When. Forward dated to Wednesday night, 8PM, October 31st 2012
Warnings. Let’s keep it PG-13, folks. There's kids present.

This is Halloween )

Sep. 12th, 2012



Who. Charlie Archer & Charlotte Evans
What. Snow White finally wakes up from her slumber.
Where. Miri's Clinic in Tennessee
When. Forward dated to Thursday morning, September 13th 2012
Warnings. None!

Sitting in a chair by her bedside, Charlie and Bigby both tried not to get their hopes up. He also fought the urge to have another smoke, her scent was still impossibly overwhelming )

Jul. 16th, 2012


Who: Charlotte Evans, Kane Lewis, Briar Hayes, Alan Campbell, and Grace Cash (tentative posting order?)
What: The Fables finally have the means to eliminate Kane Lewis permanently. This is how they do it.
Where: The Farm, Albany, NY
When: Forward-dated to Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
Warnings: Kind of a character death? But not really.

I'm the hero of this story, don't need to be saved. )

Mar. 4th, 2012


Who: Charlotte Evans and Willa Thompson
What: A little tête-à-tête between heads of reconnaissance.
Where: One of Camelot's holding facilities
When: Sunday evening, March 4th, 2012
Warnings: Uh. Willa?

Enjoying your stay, I hope? )

Dec. 30th, 2011


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: A New Year's Eve party hosted by Logan Fox.
WHERE: Happy Endings, Chicago
WHEN: Forward dated to New Year's Eve – the party begins officially around 8:00 PM, but your subthreads can take place any time during the night.
WARNINGS: Anything goes, kiddos. Go absolutely wild.

So let's give it up for the New Year! )

Aug. 16th, 2011


Who: Kane Lewis, Tabitha Roberts, Charlotte Evans, Claire Washington, Richard Lee, and other members of this team that will... probably be ghosted. (Also: tagging order!)
What: The climax of Charlotte's mission to reclaim the Homelands. Basically? It doesn't go as planned.
Where: The throne room of the Emperor's castle in Toscane, the Homelands.
When: Tuesday evening, August 16th, 2011
Warnings: The creepiness that is Kane, and a teeny tiny character death. Just a little one. NBD. >>

I'm guilty of treason, I've abandoned control. )

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who: Charlotte Evans
What: Mourning and moving on.
Where: Wolf Manor, the Farm (near Albany, New York)
When: Backdated to Monday, July 4th, 2011 – late evening.
Warnings: Angst. Lots of angst.

What part of forever don't you understand? )

Jun. 4th, 2011


Who: Charlotte Evans and Tristan Lewis
What: Dealing with the aftermath of Kane's death.
Where: Camelot castle, one of the libraries.
When: Slightly forward dated to this evening, June 4th, 2011.
Warnings: Probably just a little angst. Or a lot. We'll see?

Read more... )

Feb. 24th, 2011



Who: Tristan Lewis and Charlotte Evans
What: A moment to themselves? While they work.
When: Thursday night, February 24 2011
Where: An empty room in Camelot castle or some shit
Warnings: Er, none? Some? ...

Things weren't right anywhere else, but Tristan could forgive that since Charlotte had seemed to have forgiven him )

Jan. 6th, 2011



Who: Charlotte Evans and Tristan Lewis
What: Accidental encounters in the castle.
Where: Camelot, in one of the kitchens.
When: Backdated to Tuesday evening, January 4th, 2011
Warnings: A for seriously Awkward?

We can't be each others Achilles heel, it'll kill one or both of us eventually, one way or another )

Dec. 28th, 2010


Who: Kane Lewis, Charlotte Evans, and Simon Evans (NPC)
What: Kane's retaliation doesn't go quite as planned.
Where: The Evans cottage in Bath, England
When: 3 AM, December 29th, 2010
Warnings: Violence, Kane, etc.

Shhhh. )

Oct. 31st, 2010



Who: Camelot members and their approved guests
What: Halloween party in a (temporarily) haunted castle, what could be better?
When: Sunday night, October 31 2010
Where: Camelot castle in Glastonbury, England
Warnings: Errr. Possibly a lot, probably none? Who knows.

Moving paintings and ghost-like holograms could be seen at almost every turn and if Briar hadn't been so excited and pleased by it all, she might have actually been a little spooked )

Oct. 8th, 2010



Who: Betty Morland, Charlotte Evans and later Phineas Morland (plus all her resistance outlaws somewhere in the background obvs)
What: Shit continues to get real for Betty and her band of merry women and men.
When: Friday, late afternoon, October 8th 2010 (Sideway's world)
Where: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Warnings: Violence, language, AU!Character death, angst

Robin had never been able to draw a very clear distinction between friend and leader, and Betty had the same problem. Her heart bled for her people just as Robin's did but when it came to being the boss, when she was in that mode she had to shut herself off from everything else )

Oct. 2nd, 2010



Who: The entire Morgan and Evans family (what's left of them, anyway), Camelot members, other random funeral goers, and a surprise guest in the shape of one Ava Prince
What: Camelot and his family say goodbye to Daniel's father, Matthew Morgan. Then they get another blind side to the face.
When: Saturday afternoon, October 2, 2010
Where: Glastonbury Abbey Cemetery in Glastonbury, England.

He was in charge of everything now, he didn't have the time to mourn his father the way he had his brother. The time to be who he was, that was over, now he had to be untouchable )

Sep. 15th, 2010


Who: Tristan Lewis and Charlotte Evans
What: Tristan and Charlotte decide to escape for a little while?
When: Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Where: Fairyland (Athens, Greece)
Rating: PG-13 at most

Well, Charlotte Evans, you're just a big fat hypocrite... )

Aug. 21st, 2010


Who: Charlotte Evans and Tristan Lewis
What: Visiting Fabletown. Having a minor breakdown. You know, the usual.
Where: Bullfinch Street, NYC!
When: Saturday afternoon, August 21st.
Warnings: Mild to moderate hysteria? Or not so moderate...

Here we are. )