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Posts Tagged: 'scott+morgan'

Dec. 17th, 2017


Who: Raegan Mallory, Alexandra Turner, open to Camelot Combats (subthread style!)
What: Starting Rae and Alex's first day at Camelot off with a training session.
Where: Camelot Castle, training room
When: Monday, December 18; morning
Warnings: TBD but probably mild

We've slain demons together, how bad can this be? )

Feb. 4th, 2017



Who: Camelot, Agency & all invited guests!
What: The Camelot benefit ball
Where: A public venue in London, UK
When: Saturday night, February 4th 2017
Warnings: TBD, put any warnings in the subject lines
Note: As usual, make use of our standard subthread format when posting closed and open subthreads with your characters. Reminder: your character doesn't have to be an official member of either organization to attend this ball but everyone on the guest list would have been intensely vetted so probably people with known criminal records (ie. Resistance activity, etc) wouldn't be allowed in for safety reasons.

By seven o'clock that night, the ball was in full swing )

Nov. 3rd, 2016



Who: ANYONE AND EVERYONE; people of royal, noble, and poor birth alike. Only known villains weren’t expressly invited, otherwise the ball is open for everyone to attend, or attempt to crash
What: A royal ball
Where: The kingdom of Camelot, in the land of Fairytales
When: Early to late evening, feel free to time jump around in your own subthreads
Warnings: Let’s keep it to PG-13, for the sake of fairytale fluff

For as long as there had been magic in these lands, there had been Camelot, and for as long as there had been Camelot, there had been the Morgans )

Oct. 27th, 2015



Who: Kat Thorn, Mike Richards, Liam Walker, Scott Morgan & later Lydia Evans (also anyone else in Camelot is free to join in)
What: Power goes out in the castle. The Scooby Gang investigates. Things get spooky.
Where: Camelot Castle, Glastonbury UK
When: Saturday night, October 31st, 2015
Warnings: Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary...

What was better on Halloween night than a party in a creepy castle? )

Aug. 29th, 2015



Who: THE MORGAN/EVANS CLAN. Plus Devin, the big faker
What: New brother is meeting the rest of the family
Where: London, England
When: Saturday afternoon, August 29th 2015
Warnings: TBD? Definitely nothing too major.

No matter how many lives you lived, if you had a fate, you were bound to it )

Jul. 9th, 2015



Who: Liam Walker & Scott Morgan
What: Working out some aggression, being idiots, the usual.
Where: Camelot training rooms
When: Thursday evening, July 9th 2015
Warnings: Some sword fighting. No that isn't a euphemism. Probably.

Liam had never been very good at curbing his impulses )

May. 24th, 2015



WHO: Scott and Freddie Morgan, with an appearance by Daniel
WHAT: Sword training
WHERE: Training Rooms
WHEN: Early afternoon Sunday
WARNINGS: Probably mild language. This'll probably be light-hearted.

He had a great deal of respect for the people in his department, and it wouldn't have been fair to expect greatness from them without giving it in return. )

Oct. 10th, 2014



Who: Kathleen Thorn ("Number Three") and Scott Morgan
What: She's been sent to kill a family threat
When: Friday, October 10th 2014
Where: Eddie's Pub in London, UK
Warnings: AU!character death

Target acquired. )

Apr. 8th, 2014



Who. Liam Walker & Scott Morgan
What. The boys are getting drunk. Other stuff might happen.
Where. Liam's house in Las Vegas
When. Backdated to Sunday, April 6th 2014
Warnings. Nothing too wild. Shhh, they're new at this.

Whatever you're selling, I ain't that cheap )

Jul. 10th, 2013



WHO: Emma Lockhart and Scott Morgan
WHEN: An hour or so after this.
WHAT: Two old friends are meeting up to talk and dragging their host bodies with them.
WHERE: One of many Starbucks in New York City.

I've been roaming around always looking down at all I see. )

Jun. 4th, 2011


Who: Scott and Guy
What: Something that might kind of possibly be a date...
Where: Some hole in the wall bar
When: Saturday night
Warnings: TBD? Possible weapons-grade adorableness?

This was where ambiguity got him, all turned around. )

Nov. 30th, 2010


Who: Scott Morgan (and Mordred)
What: The Sight
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Camelot Castle

Staring into the flames he saw many things, but Scott couldn't tell if they were the past, the present, or the future. Mordred wouldn't say, or didn't know himself. )

Oct. 31st, 2010



Who: Camelot members and their approved guests
What: Halloween party in a (temporarily) haunted castle, what could be better?
When: Sunday night, October 31 2010
Where: Camelot castle in Glastonbury, England
Warnings: Errr. Possibly a lot, probably none? Who knows.

Moving paintings and ghost-like holograms could be seen at almost every turn and if Briar hadn't been so excited and pleased by it all, she might have actually been a little spooked )

Oct. 21st, 2010


Who: Sally Evans and Scott Morgan
What: Catching up and exploring a magical island.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The Isle of the Blessed/Avalon/whatever you want to call it.
Warnings: None, most likely?

The magic was in every stone, every blade of grass )

Oct. 2nd, 2010


Who: Scott Morgan and Alex Morgan
What: Sibling Reunion, breakdowns, etc.
Where: Camelot Castle, Scott's old room
When: Middle of the night

He'd never claimed not to be the sort of guy who hid from his problems. )