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Posts Tagged: 'gemma+ford'

May. 20th, 2012



Who. Jessica Williamson, Hunter Mitchell, Byron Darlington, Oscar Darlington, Avery Carter, Gemma Ford, Graham Wyatt, various NPC reincarnates/mundies & later Max Undelman + the rescue team
Where. The Arena.
When. Sunday May 20th - Thursday May 24th 2012.
Warnings. Violence and a lot of death? The Capitol only needs one victor, etc.
Notes. The sub threads split up the events of the games by each day spent in the arena, so pay attention to which one you're tagging into.

Ladies and gentlemen, let the 76th Hunger Games begin! )

Dec. 17th, 2011


Who: The Justice League/Avengers/Villains
What: Christmas/Holiday Party
When: Friday evening (late post is backdated)
Warnings: It's the JL/A. Consider yourself warned.

Sep. 25th, 2011


Who: Gemma Ford and Jason Price (sort of)
What: Gemma’s out on a patrol and gets a dose of fear toxin. Olivia reacts accordingly.
Where: Gotham City and... Gotham City. It’s a little bit complicated.
When: 10 PM, Saturday, September 24, 2011
Warnings: Terror, parallel universes, and frighteningly helpful chemists?

Peter, I need my gun. Please, I’m not safe, somebody hurt me, they did this to me, please, Peter, my gun, I need my gun! Please, Peter... )

Aug. 20th, 2011


WHO: Kylee & OPEN to JL/Avengers & Friends
WHAT: Party at the Penthouse
WHEN: Saturday 8/20
WHERE: Ky/Ollie's

Green is the new Black )

Nov. 28th, 2010



Who: Fletcher Charleston and Gemma Davenport
What: Fletcher finds out that he didn't have a good week.
When: Sunday, early afternoon (the drugs took awhile to wear off).
Where: St. Vincent's, LA.
Warnings: Language.

How long had he been here? )

Oct. 25th, 2010


Who: Gemma Davenport and Fletcher Charleston
What: Moving into their new house!
Where: See above!
When: Monday night, October 25th
Warnings: Probably not very many?

Don't think about elephants. )

Oct. 5th, 2010



Who: Fletcher Charleston and Gemma Davenport
What: Sneaking off, dropping revelations.
When: Monday night (in Sideway’s World)
Where: JL’s HQ, Fletcher's office.
Warnings: Angst.

He couldn’t love someone he couldn’t trust, and he didn’t trust April, not now. )

Sep. 19th, 2010



Who: The JL 2.0 + Fletcher Charleston
What: Come to Jesus meeting. Basically. With a side of OH NOES, FUGITIVE IN DA HOUSE.
When: Sunday afternoon, September 19 2010
Where: The JL head quarters in Manhattan, NY
OOC Note: Everyone in the JL is welcome to participate! If you don't tag in, we'll just assume your character was there, but since this is a big plot twist for the JL if you want your character to have a say in what goes on today you might want to consider tagging in. The posting order is generally a free for all! Try to follow whatever order takes shape as people tag in? But it's fine to go out of turn, we don't care. :) And it's fine to start your own sub threads, however you want to do it.

If this went over badly, Jen didn't know what she'd do. She loved this group, she depended on this group. If people left because of this, she would probably have a very real nervous break down )

Sep. 15th, 2010


Who: Gemma Davenport & Fletcher Charleston
What: Gemma has an idea...
Where: Chez Davenport, LA
When: Wednesday night, September 15th
Warnings: TBA?

She had to make some changes. )

Aug. 29th, 2010



Who: Clementine Bennett and Gemma Davenport
What: The women of the Hot Scots finally get to chat, though not under the best circumstances.
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Clementine's apartment, San Diego.
Warnings: Probably pretty mild.

Sometimes, it was beyond useful to have a reincarnate willing to talk her through the strangest situations. )

Aug. 28th, 2010



Who: Jen Hill, Josh Blake, Lilah St Fleur, Ted Holloway, Abigail Roth, Gemma Davenport, Sam Victorio, Kane Lewis, Ana Borodinskii, Tawny Strange, Elliot Peabody, Julian Ross and Fletcher Charleston
What: Following the death of Eli and all the various phone calls and messages, members of the JL and the Resistance both run to the scene. An epic rumble in the 'burb's ensues. When you're a jet?
When: Late Saturday night, August 28th 2010
Where: Gemma's house (mostly her front yard), Los Angeles.
Warnings: (To quote Rae) Did you see the line up? Be warned. LOTS AND LOTS OF VIOLENCE.
OOC: Posting order is whatever? (Edit: 4 subthreads: Jen/Sam, Ana/Ted, Lilah/Tawny, Josh/Elliot, then Abigail/Julian/Fletcher will be stopping the insanity. Hopefully.)

There were a lot of dark things going through Jen's mind and she was not prepared to lose anybody else. She wouldn't lose anybody else, that's all there was to it. This was her family, and she'd protect her family with her life )

Aug. 27th, 2010



Who: Fletcher Charleston, Gemma Davenport, Eli Bryant, & Tawny Strange.
What: Creepy Eli follows Fletcher. Busted Fletcher is armed.
When: Forward dated to Saturday night.
Where: Gemma's house, Los Angeles.
Warnings: Did you see the line up? Be warned.

Knowing that she was out there in the middle of some fictional city going at it with two people that even Eddie thought were mentally unstable didn't make him worry. It very nearly made him panic. )

Aug. 6th, 2010



Who: Fletcher Charleston, Gemma Davenport and (later) Abigail Roth.
What: Fletcher is a stalker, Gemma is on patrol, and Abi is an eavesdropper? (AKA Fletcher and Gemma get busted)
When: Friday night.
Where: Gotham City, New Jersey
Warnings: Average.

He'd been a masked vigilante once. He should be able to fit right in. )

Jul. 13th, 2010



Who: Lorne Cameron and Gemma Davenport
What: She should be used to Scottish guys randomly showing up at her house by now?
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Gemma's House

With this regard their currents turn awry, and lose the name of action... )



Who: Gemma Davenport and Fletcher Charleston.
What: Another secret rendezvous?
When: Monday evening.
Where: Gemma's house, in the backyard.
Warnings: Fletcher's pasty Scottish whiteness on display?

He really didn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever Wonder Woman retribution she might have reserved for burglars. )

Jun. 23rd, 2010



Who: Gemma Davenport and Fletcher Charleston
What: Their time together for the week.
When: Tuesday night.
Where: Gemma's house.
Warnings: TBA.

They definitely saved the best for last. )

Jun. 12th, 2010


Who: Gemma Davenport & Fletcher Charleston
What: A meeting not separated by bulletproof glass! And other stuff...
Where: Fletcher's house, Detroit, MI
When: Late Saturday evening, June 12
Warnings: PG-13. For language and confusion.
Status: Complete! We cheated. >_>

Just don't ever kiss me with a gun in your pants again, alright? )