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Posts Tagged: 'etienne+norbert'

Nov. 5th, 2017



Who: Lorne Hargrave and Azalea Lerner
Where: South Bronx, New York
When: Saturday 4th November
What: The full moon is here and wolves come out to play.
Warnings: Probably violence. I mean, it’s Fenrir.

There weren’t many good places in New York City for a man to shed his skin and become a beast. )

Dec. 12th, 2016



Who: All the HP people in Camelot Magics! (Rowan's instructing, everyone else gets to partner up in two's. Don't worry about labeling the subject line, but every dueling pair should have a separate subthread so Rowan can intervene on all of them with his pointers.)
What: Some good, old fashioned DaDa training
Where: Camelot Magics Department
When: Monday, December 12th, 2016
Warnings: Nothing major, probably.

Life didn't stop just because things had temporarily imploded. There were still threats specific to their group in particular that were as dangerous as ever )

Nov. 3rd, 2016



Who: ANYONE AND EVERYONE; people of royal, noble, and poor birth alike. Only known villains weren’t expressly invited, otherwise the ball is open for everyone to attend, or attempt to crash
What: A royal ball
Where: The kingdom of Camelot, in the land of Fairytales
When: Early to late evening, feel free to time jump around in your own subthreads
Warnings: Let’s keep it to PG-13, for the sake of fairytale fluff

For as long as there had been magic in these lands, there had been Camelot, and for as long as there had been Camelot, there had been the Morgans )