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Posts Tagged: 'kace+tailor'

Dec. 18th, 2010


Who: Kace Tailor and Matt Russell
What: Holiday drinking. It never leads to good things.
When: (Backdated) Thursday night.
Where: Matt’s brother’s house, Toronto, Canada.
Warnings: Just...all of them.

Curses, foiled again. )

Oct. 31st, 2010



Who: Camelot members and their approved guests
What: Halloween party in a (temporarily) haunted castle, what could be better?
When: Sunday night, October 31 2010
Where: Camelot castle in Glastonbury, England
Warnings: Errr. Possibly a lot, probably none? Who knows.

Moving paintings and ghost-like holograms could be seen at almost every turn and if Briar hadn't been so excited and pleased by it all, she might have actually been a little spooked )

Sep. 30th, 2010


Who. Adam Leroy & Kacey Tailor.
When. Thursday morning.
What. Adam and Kace discover the Galactica.
Where. In a galaxy far, far away... No, just out in space, no big deal.
Rating. TBA.

And whatever you do - don't let her get ahead. )

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Who: Kace Tailor and Adam Leroy.
What: Adam decides to play nice to get his Viper. Kace is unimpressed.
When: Wednesday afternoon.
Where: A few hours south of Camelot HQ.
Warnings: Language. Sexual tension. Overuse of made up words.

Even though she'd handed over the directions to where the Vipers were parked, she was vindictively hoping that he'd get lost somewhere in the English countryside, never to be heard from again. )

Sep. 19th, 2010



Who: Laura Meyhew and Kace Tailor
What: Wine and space-girl talk
When: Late Saturday Night
Where: Camelot Castle

Here we are. Now, let's bitch about men. )

Sep. 18th, 2010


Who: Kace Tailor
What: Somewhere, her Viper has appeared. She finds it in true BSG fashion.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where: Starting at Camelot castle, ending out in the middle of nowhere.
Warnings: Angst. Mild crazy. Length. Maybe some spoilers.
Extras: Brought to you by the magic song.

There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief... )