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Posts Tagged: 'stella+anderson'

Jan. 14th, 2013



Who. Justin Anderson, Lillie Shipton, Cassie MacMahon, & Marshall Daniels (and other party guests?)
What. Surprise birthday party for Lillie that turns into some drunken hunting?
Where. Harvelle's Roadhouse in Nebraska
When. Backdated to Sunday night, January 13th 2013
Warnings. Violence, strong language, lots of drinking? Standard SPN hunter warnings.
Notes. No tagging order! Go wild.

Cassie's job was to lure Lillie to the Roadhouse under the pretense that they were meeting Justin here for drinks and some good old fashioned hunter roulette )

Apr. 13th, 2012


Who: Stella Anderson and Luke Harrison
What: A fun night out turns, well... Who-y?
Where: A park in Denver, Colorado
When: Friday at sunset, April 13th, 2012
Warnings: Extreme cute, but possibly some terror? Depends on how bad things get...

It might have been pushing their luck, going out on Friday the 13th, but Stella wasn't the superstitious type. )

Jan. 9th, 2012



Who. Luke Harrison and open to the Whovians/anyone in Torchwood who wants to join in!
What. Rory the Roman: The Musical
Where. Torchwood 3, The Hub
When. Monday afternoon, January 9th 2012

But if there's one thing everyone should know - between the Doctor and I, we've got the better nose! )

Oct. 2nd, 2011


Who: Avi Bhena and Torchwood. (If you have a Torchwood/TARDIS character and want to tag in, go for it!)
When: Saturday, October 1.
Where: Torchwood HQ, Wales
What: Avi is taken down to the Hub for questioning.

He had his camera. He had the Doctor's glowy-wand thingamajig. What else could he possibly need? )

Sep. 22nd, 2011



Who. Luke Harrison and Stella Anderson
What. In which the Ponds go off to celebrate Stella's birthday
Where. A park in Denver
When. Thursday evening, September 22nd 2011
Warnings. None?

He'd shown up at her house in Colorado earlier that afternoon to pick her up in Rory's full Roman garb, just to make her laugh )

Jun. 11th, 2011



Who. Luke Harrison & Stella Anderson
What. In the midst of chaos, the only person Rory's looking for right now is his wife
Where. Stella's house in Denver, Colorado
When. Backdated to Friday evening, June 10th, 2011
Warnings. TBD?

When it came down to it there was only one other person that Rory and Luke were worrying about at the moment -- Amy )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Who: Stella Anderson and Ames Hargreaves
What: A surprise visit to Stella’s past...
When: Mid-morning on February 9th, 2006.
Where: A hospital in Denver, Colorado
Warnings: Scheming and... really weird cute.

You’re like voodoo, baby. )

Dec. 5th, 2010


Who: Liam Miller and Stella Anderson
What: After eight years (for Stella), the time traveler and his constant finally meet again
When: Sunday afternoon, December 5 2010
Where: Liam's apartment in Chicago
Warnings: TBD?

He was sure Stella wasn't the only person to have met his future self, but he was sure without any sliver of doubt that she was the only one who he'd kept coming back to )