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Posts Tagged: 'cory+guevera'

Feb. 9th, 2020



Who: Morgan & Cory
What: Flashbacks to Morgan's time in captivity and the origins of Veritas to the present
Where: The Manticore facility in Seattle, Washington / Cory's apartment in Queens, New York
When: Friday, July 13 2018 / Sunday, February 9 2020
Warnings: Vague mentions of torture and death

We have to get them, Cory. We have to make them all pay. )

Dec. 1st, 2017



Who: Morgan Lang & Cory Guevera
What: Trying to be a normal couple or something
Where: Cory's apartment in Queens
When: Thursday night, November 30th, 2017
Warnings: TBD?

Morgan couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't for the Resistance's healthcare plan. )

Oct. 13th, 2016



Who: Cory Guevera & Morgan Lang
What: Just like fate, she finds her way to his open window.
Where: A tower in the depths of the Dark Forest.
When: Late afternoon
Warnings: TBD, probably pretty mild

She'd joked about making him grow his hair out so she could just climb it, a time or two. )

May. 26th, 2015



Who: Cory Guevera, Morgan Lang, later crashed by Ryan and Rhett Jackson
What: Cory wants to cook for Morgan; Ryan and Rhett want to know where Morgan keeps going.
When: Monday, May 25, evening
Where: Cory's place in Queens
Warnings: TBD; probably language, and a whole lot of awkward.

They weren't a normal couple, by any means, and that usually meant that normal couple things got a little neglected. )

Mar. 31st, 2015



Who: Morgan Lang & Cory Guevera
What: They finally stop dancing awkwardly around each other. Maybe.
Where: Cory’s apartment in NY
When: Tuesday night after the broadcast, March 31st 2015
Warnings: TBD? Nothing too crazy.

There was Max and Logan, and then there was Morgan and Cory. Two completely different situations both operating around the same, awkward pattern )

Oct. 8th, 2014



Who: Cory and Dustin Guevera
What: A most profitable exchange.
When: Wednesday, October 8th, evening.
Where: Cory's apartment.
Rating: Probably G

That was before he'd fully realized exactly how profitable magic could be... )

Sep. 4th, 2014



Who: Morgan Lang & Cory Guevera
What: You shouldn't leave your window open if you don't want visitors
When: Friday night, September 5th 2014
Where: Cory's apartment in Queens
Warnings: Probably not anything too crazy?

Bingo. )