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these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'wesley+overby'

Jan. 24th, 2011



Who: Wes Overby & Joelle Foster
What: Much later after this.
When: Backdated to late Friday night, January 21 2011
Where: Wes's place
Warnings: None? Angst? Leia sized freak outs? Sith-sized scoundrel charm? An overabundance of cute? It's too late for me to be writing warning labels.

She could have lost Wes tonight and she honestly didn't know what to do with these feelings. They were tearing her apart )

Jan. 22nd, 2011



Who: Wesley Overby & Peter Cho (with Roxanne Overby)
What: Another round of Sith vs. Sith.
When: Friday, early evening.
Where: A vacant house in NYC.
Warnings: Violence. Lots and lots of violence.

He recognized this as touching the Dark Side, but he didn't care. He'd use whatever tools necessary to get his sister back. )

Nov. 28th, 2010



Who: Joelle Foster and Wes Overby.
What: Wes wakes up at Joelle’s and has no idea why.
When: Very early Sunday morning.
Where: Joelle’s place, DC.
Warnings TBD.

Thank you. Both of you. )

Nov. 10th, 2010



Who: Joelle Foster and Wes Overby
What: The slightly more overwhelmed Lucas reincarnates decided to stick together. And drink to cope.
When: Wednesday evening, November 10 2010
Where: Washington, D.C.
Warnings: Too much cute.

Maybe it’ll be me rescuing you. Not all the time, but there were a few times where the men in Leia’s life were clearly the damsels in distress. You never know. I’ll be your only hope if you’ll be mine )