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Posts Tagged: 'catalina+reyes'

Nov. 12th, 2017



Who: Catalina Reyes and Kelsey Lark
What: Lina gets a night off, so she’s trying to relax.
Where: Happy Endings, Chicago
When: Saturday, November 11th
Warnings: Lina’s salty attitude

It wasn’t anything like Bumfuck, Wisconsin. She wouldn’t be stranded out here for the night. )

Oct. 28th, 2017



Who: Anyone who works for the Agency & their plus one's (subthread style)
What: Halloween party!
Where: London HQ
When: Saturday evening, October 28th, 2017
Warnings: Put any appropriate warnings in the subject line

That was the whole appeal of Halloween, wasn't it? To come as you weren't? )

Aug. 3rd, 2017



WHO: Alexis and OPEN (or narrative) to whoever wants to join
WHEN: Dusk, Thursday night
WHERE: Outside the New York Public Library
WHAT: Violence and such
WARNINGS: Again. Violence and such. Probably NPC deaths.

Her legs were swinging like a child on a swing, and with a sigh she dropped the half-full drink so that it crashed into a man wearing a business suit way down below. )

Dec. 9th, 2016



Who: Catalina Reyes and Lily Ross
What: Not dealing with things
Where: Across the Multiverse and back home again (Shell Lake, Wisconsin)
When: December 9th

Was that what made her happy? )

Nov. 3rd, 2016



Who: ANYONE AND EVERYONE; people of royal, noble, and poor birth alike. Only known villains weren’t expressly invited, otherwise the ball is open for everyone to attend, or attempt to crash
What: A royal ball
Where: The kingdom of Camelot, in the land of Fairytales
When: Early to late evening, feel free to time jump around in your own subthreads
Warnings: Let’s keep it to PG-13, for the sake of fairytale fluff

For as long as there had been magic in these lands, there had been Camelot, and for as long as there had been Camelot, there had been the Morgans )

Sep. 26th, 2015



Who: Holly Strange + The Young Avengers (and open to any friends, family, S/O's of any of these guys, fellow super hero types or just anyone who wants to party. Also open to any villain types if we want this to turn into a thing)
What: Holly's turning 26 and she's going all out this year!
Where: A night club in NYC
When: Saturday night, September 26th 2015
Warnings: TBD? It is a party.
Notes: Let's do it subthread style, so people don't have to worry about posting order.

You didn't owe a guy a dance just because he sprang for a seven dollar drink, screw that )

Sep. 5th, 2014



Who: Catalina Reyes and Lindy Allan
What: Flying practice went wrong! OOPS!
Where: Calgary, Alberta
When: ...Probably Tuesday evening.
Warnings: Watch this space. But also swearing.

Who the fuck put a store there? )