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Posts Tagged: 'sara+taft'

Mar. 26th, 2012


Who: Gabriel and Sara Taft
What: Gabe tries to help his daughter. Whether or not he's successful is still up for debate.
Where: The medical wing in Camelot HQ
When: Monday night, March 26th, 2012
Warnings: Sadness and crazy? :(

Gabriel Taft wasn't a therapist. )

Mar. 8th, 2012



Who: Daniel Morgan, Kane Lewis, Ames Hargreaves, Caroline Ross, Philip Anderson, Mallory "Frost" Reynolds (& later Willa Thompson, Robert Kingsley, Sydney Delano, Sara Taft, Ava Prince & Lara Meyers)
What: Summit Meeting & prisoner exchange between leaders of Camelot, the Resistance and the heads of the Agency. What could possibly go wrong?
Where: An empty warehouse in London
When: Forward dated to Friday evening, March 9th, 2012
Warnings: TBD, but probably some language & violence

What did you expect to happen when you put leaders from three completely conflicting factions all in one room together, that they'd all get along? )

Jan. 26th, 2012



Who. Sara Taft and Ava Prince
What. An unsettling glimpse into Sara and Ava's time as prisoners
Where. A Resistance holdings cell in an undisclosed location
When. Thursday night, January 26th 2012
Warnings. PG-13 to R, just to be safe

Sometimes she and Ava talked through the wall to each other, hissing words of encouragement before they both had to endure hearing the other scream for hours )

Dec. 30th, 2011


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: A New Year's Eve party hosted by Logan Fox.
WHERE: Happy Endings, Chicago
WHEN: Forward dated to New Year's Eve – the party begins officially around 8:00 PM, but your subthreads can take place any time during the night.
WARNINGS: Anything goes, kiddos. Go absolutely wild.

So let's give it up for the New Year! )

Nov. 14th, 2011


Who: Peter Flynn and Sara Taft
What: Trying to readjust to real life after the escape.
Where: Peter's apartment in San Diego, CA
When: Late Monday night, November 14th, 2011
Warnings: Angst, probably. Cute, hopefully. Everything else, TBD?

Your coping skills are appalling, Peter. )

Aug. 16th, 2011



Who. Sara Taft and Peter Flynn
What. Peter and Sara find a flying ship and attempt to commandeer it
Where. The Homelands
When. Tuesday night, August 16 2011. During this thread
Warnings. TBD?

What was the Glory of Baghdad? Upon hearing it Sara was positive it had to be some kind of weird medal or a commemorative cup of some sort )

Apr. 15th, 2011



Who. Sara Taft and Peter Flynn
What. After their head mates take them for a spin, Peter and Sara wake up to... much confusion and awkwardness.
Where. Ocean Beach, San Diego CA
When. Backdated to Thursday afternoon, April 14 2011
Warnings. Epic proportions of awkward, maybe cute and even a little sexy? WHO KNOWS. Also, pirate.

Her thoughts immediately took a sharp detour as realization set in, and then she looked down at herself )