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Posts Tagged: 'paul+shrewsbury'

Oct. 31st, 2010



Who: Camelot members and their approved guests
What: Halloween party in a (temporarily) haunted castle, what could be better?
When: Sunday night, October 31 2010
Where: Camelot castle in Glastonbury, England
Warnings: Errr. Possibly a lot, probably none? Who knows.

Moving paintings and ghost-like holograms could be seen at almost every turn and if Briar hadn't been so excited and pleased by it all, she might have actually been a little spooked )

Oct. 12th, 2010


Who: Alex Morgan and Paul Shrewsbury.
What: A reunion/first meeting.
When: Monday, late afternoon.
Where: The Agency HQ, Lobby.

She had to see him. She had to know. )

Oct. 10th, 2010


Who: Paul Shrewsbury
What: Waking up to the real world
When: Very early Sunday Morning
Where: The Shrewsbury's apartment

There was simply no way even his overactive imagination could ever have come up with something like... that. )

Oct. 7th, 2010


Who. Jo Shrewsbury, brief mentions of Erin Page, & the deceased.
What. Jo discovers that The Burrow isn't as safe as she believed it to be.
Where. Ottery St. Catchpole, The Burrow.
When. Just a half hour post this.
Warnings. Sadness.

No more spotlights coming down from heaven. )



Who: Helene Richardson (from the point of view of), with Alexandra Morgan and Paul Shrewsbury playing the role of her extremely unfortunate victims (with permission from Rae and Kate. Thanks guys. >.>)
What: The youngsters think they're home free, little did they know Alastair tracked them all the way to the Burrow
Where: Ottery St. Catchpole, The Burrow
When: Backdated to Wednesday night, October 6th 2010 (Sideway's World)
Warnings: Don't read if you have a tendency to get nauseous. (Come on, it's Alastair.) Explicit mention of blood and torture, and two AU!Character deaths. SOLID R RATING PEOPLE.

Alastair was a master of the human body, he knew exactly where to penetrate and twist to make it beyond excruciating for the victim. Now, so did Helene )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


Who: Alex Morgan and Paul Shrewsbury
What: Alex is sent in to hiding with the only person who can make her stay in hiding.
When: Sunday night
Where: The Burrow (Sideway's World)
Warnings: TBD.

At least they were sending her off with someone who would be good company. )