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Posts Tagged: 'justin+anderson'

Jan. 14th, 2013



Who. Justin Anderson, Lillie Shipton, Cassie MacMahon, & Marshall Daniels (and other party guests?)
What. Surprise birthday party for Lillie that turns into some drunken hunting?
Where. Harvelle's Roadhouse in Nebraska
When. Backdated to Sunday night, January 13th 2013
Warnings. Violence, strong language, lots of drinking? Standard SPN hunter warnings.
Notes. No tagging order! Go wild.

Cassie's job was to lure Lillie to the Roadhouse under the pretense that they were meeting Justin here for drinks and some good old fashioned hunter roulette )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Austin Daniels, Rob Strange, Justin Anderson, Cassie MacMahon, Lillie Shipton, and later Michelle Kingston and Elijah Savage
WHERE: The Devil's Gate in Southern Wyoming
WHEN: Forward dated to late Monday night, October 8.
WHAT: Austin's getting a friend to open the gate, releasing hundreds of new demons into the world annnnnd taking his revenge.
WARNINGS: Language, violence, and character death. Typical Supernatural thread.

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold, who'll have mercy on your soul? )

Aug. 30th, 2012



Who. Justin Anderson, Elijah Savage, Jez White, Lillie Shipton, Cassie MacMahon (and later Sydney Delano, Gregory Delano & Austin Daniels)
What. Demon rituals, stand offs and two character deaths
Where. An abandoned warehouse in Phoenix, Arizona
When. Forward dated to Monday night, September 3rd 2012
Warnings. Violence? Lots of violence!
Notes. Posting order as listed above?

So... now what? )

Nov. 29th, 2011



Who. Justin Anderson and Cassie MacMahon
What. Getting drunk at the Roadhouse and making plans
Where. Harvelle's Roadhouse in Nebraska
When. Tuesday afternoon, November 29th 2011
Warnings. None, probably? But you never know with Sam and Jo.

You're a caaandle in the windooow on a cold, dark winters niiiiight )

Aug. 3rd, 2011



Who: Justin and Eleanor Anderson.
When: August 2, 2011. Afternoon. Yes, I started this yesterday and forgot to post it. Yay me.
Where: Harvelle's Roadhouse. Awwww yeah.
What: IMPORTANT STUFF. AKA discussing what, exactly, to do with the Roadhouse.
Rating: Pffft.

And yet, here she was in the middle of a war and working for the Agency while hunting demons on the side. )

Jul. 9th, 2011


Who: Lillie White and... any and all Winchesters? Even the fake ones? DON'T CURR, HAVE AT IT.
What: Learning the hard way how to be a real Winchester.
Where: A diner in Lawrence, Kansas
When: Backdated to Friday morning, July 8th, 2011
Warnings: The usual Winchester warnings? Angst, language, more angst, etc.

Well. This was pretty dumb. )

May. 28th, 2011



Who: Justin Anderson, Lillie White & Eleanor Anderson (posting order?)
What: Dean's meeting the parents? Or one of the parents. The one he's most afraid of.
Where: Justin's apartment in Denver, Colorado
When: Saturday afternoon, May 28th, 2011.
Warnings: None? Just awkwardness.

It was nice, how comfortable this already felt )

Apr. 11th, 2011



WHO: Justin Anderson and Cassie MacMahon
WHEN: April 10, directly after this conversation.
WHERE: Justin's house.
WHAT: Cassie's drunk. There's attempted gun use. And wrestling. They're siblings from another mother, kthnx.
WARNINGS: Language. Talk of death.

Part of Cassie's brain understood that what she was doing at the moment was leading down a dangerous path of headaches and vomiting. )

Mar. 31st, 2011


Who: Callum, Cassie, Justin,Kim, Lillie, Remy, Shane, Stearns. Basically, the Supernatural crew and an extra Antichrist.
Where: The Roadhouse
When: About now sounds good.
What: Callum's got a big ego, and it needs to be deflated. Permanently.
WARNINGS: Death. Language. Let's be real, guys. It's the Winchesters and a demon death.

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold, who will have mercy on your soul )

Mar. 21st, 2011



Who: Justin Anderson, Cassie MacMahon, Kimberly Sommers and later Shane Savage
What: Jo Harvelle, Sam Winchester and Adam Milligan all walk into a bar...
When: Monday, March 21 2011
Where: Harvelle's Roadhouse in Nebraska
Warnings: Chicken shitting, hilarity and demons. Tracy and I can't take anything seriously.

Jo was still holding out hope that she could find her mom, but he didn't tell Cassie that. As far as Cassie knew, this was just a spur of the moment trip that they'd probably get some free beer out of )

Feb. 14th, 2011



Who: Justin Anderson and Lillie White
What: A Very Special Dean and Jo Valentine's Day
When: Monday night, February 14 2011
Where: Lillie's place in London
Warnings: TBD?

Is that supposed to be sexy? )

Dec. 28th, 2010



Who: Cassie MacMahon + Justin Anderson
What: Hanging out and finding out about their peeps
Where: Justin's place in Denver, Colorado
Warnings: Typical Winchester-type warnings. Cassie's got a foul mouth like the rest of them.

She still felt weird speaking to Sam solely in her mind, as though that made her crazier than she already was. )