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Posts Tagged: 'mickey+nunez'

Apr. 10th, 2011



WHO: Mickey Nunez and her NPC parents
WHAT: War forces everyone to grow up a little fast, and difficult choices must always be made.
WHEN: Today, 7 A.M.
WHERE: The Nunez’s home in Maine.

O children- lift up your voice, lift up your voice. Children- rejoice, rejoice )

Mar. 26th, 2011



Who: The Gryffindors, plus Val!
What: Potter Party # 1 (The Sirius Celebration)
When: Saturday Night
Where: Mickey's apartment in Reno, Nevada
Warnings: I'm sure there will be some?

Mickey had been absolutely bouncing all night. )

Feb. 13th, 2011


Who: Bastian Maddox and Mickey Nunez
When: Monday, February 14, early evening.
Where: Memphis, Tennessee. An indoor ice rink.
What: Mickey's trying to convince herself that Bastian isn't pure evil. The result: a meeting at a location with lockers, so that they can secure their wands. No, there's no way this can end badly at all, why do you ask?
Rating: Uhhh. Bastian intends for it to stay 'G?' We'll see.

At six o'clock on Valentine's Day, a young man stood outside of a Memphis ice rink. He seemed to be waiting on someone, since others came and went while he held a post by the entrance. )

Dec. 5th, 2010



Who: Zoë Griffin and Mickey Nunez
What: Mickey comes to retrieve Harry's wand from the Agency and she and Zoë have a Remus and Harry style heart to heart. With chocolate.
When: Sunday, December 5 2010
Where: The O&R department in the London Agency
Warnings: None?

When it came to the matters that were most important to Remus, excluding finding a Tonks that is, Zoë was more then accommodating. They were just as important to her )