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Posts Tagged: 'pandora+bludsworth'

Nov. 3rd, 2018



Who: Leander, Pandora, Léon, David, Erik & anyone else we decide to throw in (tentative posting order?)
What: Overbite vs REDO, the Halloween edition
Where: A party venue in Los Angeles
When: Backdated to Wednesday night, October 31st 2018
Warnings: TBD?

Speaking of lacking originality )

Feb. 11th, 2017



Who: Keegan MacAlister, Maxwell Landon, & OPEN to anyone
What: The Goth Kids are having a concert, and everyone's invited.
Where: The London underground
When: Saturday, February 18, 2017; evening
Warnings: Language and UST, in this first part; individual subthreads TBD, put warnings in subject lines if necessary
Notes: The initial post will cover what's happening up on the stage, and give you some cues as to what your characters will experience during the gods' performance. When posting closed and open subthreads with your character, make use of the standard subthread format. Everyone is welcome to attend this concert, but it wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world for your character to find their way to the location, and they should be aware that it's very illegal to be here in the first place, considering that it involves some breaking and entering. Have fun, kids! Don't do anything Keegan would do.

1… 2… 3… 4… KLLK )

Mar. 31st, 2015


Who: Zinnia and OPEN
What: A little mandated socialization.
Where: A coffee shop in Los Angeles, California
When: Tuesday, March 31; evening
Warnings: PG-13 in case Zinnia gets disturbing

Sometimes, Zinnia's therapist gave her homework. )

Oct. 12th, 2014



Who: Pandora Bludsworth and Andrei Kovac (and others...>.> maybe)
What: Pandora has come up with a magnificent idea!...Not.
When: Backdated...Saturday night?
Where: Santa Monica, California
Warnings: Gross AU character death. Ugh.

She hadn't dared talk to the Agency or Camelot. )

Jul. 20th, 2014



Foam Party!!!

Where: Smart Club Chicago
When: Saturday July 19th
What: Foam Party.
Who: Everyone (for those of you looking to meet AC....this totes counts)
Warnings: Could be some threads getting naughty. Let's say PG13?

Check the links in the what if you've never seen one of these...then come join the fun )