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Posts Tagged: 'alexandra+morgan'

Oct. 12th, 2010


Who: Alex Morgan and Paul Shrewsbury.
What: A reunion/first meeting.
When: Monday, late afternoon.
Where: The Agency HQ, Lobby.

She had to see him. She had to know. )

Oct. 7th, 2010


Who. Jo Shrewsbury, brief mentions of Erin Page, & the deceased.
What. Jo discovers that The Burrow isn't as safe as she believed it to be.
Where. Ottery St. Catchpole, The Burrow.
When. Just a half hour post this.
Warnings. Sadness.

No more spotlights coming down from heaven. )



Who: Helene Richardson (from the point of view of), with Alexandra Morgan and Paul Shrewsbury playing the role of her extremely unfortunate victims (with permission from Rae and Kate. Thanks guys. >.>)
What: The youngsters think they're home free, little did they know Alastair tracked them all the way to the Burrow
Where: Ottery St. Catchpole, The Burrow
When: Backdated to Wednesday night, October 6th 2010 (Sideway's World)
Warnings: Don't read if you have a tendency to get nauseous. (Come on, it's Alastair.) Explicit mention of blood and torture, and two AU!Character deaths. SOLID R RATING PEOPLE.

Alastair was a master of the human body, he knew exactly where to penetrate and twist to make it beyond excruciating for the victim. Now, so did Helene )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


Who: Alex Morgan and Paul Shrewsbury
What: Alex is sent in to hiding with the only person who can make her stay in hiding.
When: Sunday night
Where: The Burrow (Sideway's World)
Warnings: TBD.

At least they were sending her off with someone who would be good company. )

Oct. 2nd, 2010



Who: The entire Morgan and Evans family (what's left of them, anyway), Camelot members, other random funeral goers, and a surprise guest in the shape of one Ava Prince
What: Camelot and his family say goodbye to Daniel's father, Matthew Morgan. Then they get another blind side to the face.
When: Saturday afternoon, October 2, 2010
Where: Glastonbury Abbey Cemetery in Glastonbury, England.

He was in charge of everything now, he didn't have the time to mourn his father the way he had his brother. The time to be who he was, that was over, now he had to be untouchable )