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Nov. 24th, 2017


I miss my ship. Being bound to one planet is unpleasant.

[Clara Oswald]
You weren't at the dinner. Was it because of the Doctor?

Nov. 19th, 2017


They haven't got the grog I prefer here, not by name. Then again, I don't really have a genuine preference. Give me a recommendation so I can make a request to these Midgardian oafs. I intend to while away my 'quarantine' wholly smashed.

Nov. 17th, 2017


[Whoverse Posse + Nebula & Gamora]
We've been invited to a Thanksgiving dinner. Or rather I've been invited, and you losers are coming with me. 'No' is not an option.

We've been asked to bring a ham, but I think we can do even better than that. There's a bunch of us, so it's only fair we bring other stuff to share. I've never done Thanksgiving before, but I reckon it's got to be like Christmas dinner, so let's see - drinks, roasted potatoes, Brussels sprouts, bread, more drinks.

Nov. 15th, 2017


Bro, I can't get Janet to show up. What's up with that? This isn't a crazy alien space station is it?

Where can I get some jalapeño poppers?

Nov. 14th, 2017


I guess it was too much to ask to have a night where I can relax.

Though I will say the whole showing up on a different Earth is new to me.

My name's Lara [...] Croft.

Nov. 13th, 2017


I am back.

Rocket, I brought you something.

... Thank you.

I owe you a favor for taking the time to bring me and Nebula to the sea. I do not forget whatever kindness that has been done for me and my sister.

Nov. 11th, 2017


In case anybody was wondering, I'm in the Greek Isles with River, Nebula and Gamora. I popped over for the auditions and then popped back. We'll be home Sunday night.

[Private to River]
Is it just me, or does Nebula without the blue look just like Amy?

Nov. 10th, 2017


Between flying monkeys and then Gremlins, I'm starting to wonder what's going to be next for this holiday. Because usually that's the way holidays go.

Filter: Flash Thompson
It's probably a little early for this but do you happen to have some sort of plans for Thanksgiving or should I plan for a small dinner at HQ? I told Jason he'd be invited if I did.

Nov. 8th, 2017


My name is Mycroft Holmes. Specifically, the Mycroft Holmes from BBC's Sherlock, not the U.S. version, Elementary.

Yes, I'm aware there are multiples of people present, including two pairs of Sherlocks and Watsons, and yes, I've been doing my research. There's not much else to do whist in quarantine.

For any interested parties, I was previously in Preya before I was brought to Tumbleweed.

As I write, I ought to be released from quarantine in approximately 29 hours from now. Neither my flat from London nor Preya has appeared with me, but I've been told something has been arranged. I do hope it's adequate. All that remains is to secure some sort of gainful employment which isn't too mundane.


(019) Credence Barebone

I don't have any room to talk bu I didn't like the creatures, but I do feel a bit sorry for them. The way they change so radically and without seemingly any control over it. It would make for a very disconcerting existence.

On another note I realized that I have been here nearly a year. I suppose that is a good thing.


[The Doctor + River Song + Gamora]
Gamora wishes to leave for two days. Can we travel in the Tardis? I wish to see the sea but I do not know where to go otherwise. Where should we go?


So, dimensions and portals and ... alternate worlds. That's a thing now? I'm not sure I buy all this.

But fine. Quarantine, for two days. What's the recommendations for TV?

Nov. 6th, 2017


Bonfire Night didn't go exactly as planned, but it was fun while it lasted. Thank you to Clara and everyone else that helped getting things set up. Also a BIG thank you to everyone that helped with the gremlin issue and getting people to safety. In my life gatherings like this usually end in some kind chaos, but I'm sure I'm not alone in saying it'd be nice to have one night, yeah?

Anyone needing help cleaning up or anything, let me know! I'm sure others are looking to volunteer their time as well.

Nov. 3rd, 2017


[Private to River Song, Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler]
Keep the first weekend in December open. I promised this girl to take her to Disney World for her birthday. The date is today, but she had to cancel it out of fear that these Gremlins were wandering around the city.

I mean, if you want to come along. You don't have to.

Nov. 1st, 2017


Totally going to make some hydrophobic clothes for my Mogwai. And probably prepare for some Gremlins just in case.


I've been informed that these cute little creatures are the subject of a thirty-year-old horror film. 'Tis the season for mischief and all that. Though gifting potentially dangerous creatures en masse does seem a bit over the top for a holiday prank. I've switched on the film to find out what we're in for exactly. Is it meant to be a comedy, or should I not be laughing?

Do we need to establish House Rules regarding the Mogwai or have you both pawned yours off on someone else already?

Nov. 2nd, 2017


unfiltered gif )

If you aren't completely sure you can follow the rules skim through the network to find one of the people offering to take them off your hands. I've name-dropped the military base to rent a room at the community centre for a screening of Gremlins tonight at 6pm. They will attempt to break the rules. The consequences are different for each one.

Sunlight: they'll die, kind of messily.
Water: they'll multiply.
Food at night*: they'll turn into gremlins like the gif there, which are dangerous and chaotic.

*Midnight until the sun comes up the next morning, but it's probably wise to make the cut off more like 9 or 10pm.

Nov. 1st, 2017


Who left a furry thing in a box at the door of my flat? It's kind of cute. And does anyone know what happens if you do break one of the rules?


Okay but - when does "after midnight" end?


If it's not one thing, it's another. Does this place ever get a break from strange things happening?


Attention celebrators of Bonfire Night! I will be hosting Bonfire night at Ronan's farm, and I've been told the go-karts will be running that night as well.

Johnny Storm has graciously agreed to light our bonfire with himself, and I would love it if we had one or two magical types (I'm looking at you Albus) could ensure that the fire itself won't scorch or burn anything in the area. We're not looking to start a brush fire that destroys the town. If there's anyone magical or fireworks-inclined that wouldn't go amiss either.

The only thing missing is a chill in the air and a hot apple cider. (Rest assured there will be beverages and snacks. Volunteers for this would be lovely as well.)

Oct. 30th, 2017


[Private to the Twelfth Doctor's Posse] [Companions, wife, former regenerations, friends, and just about anybody he's been pals with writing on the network... if you feel like your character fits the bill, then they're included!]
Rocky Horror Picture Show. I've been told it's a thing.

Tonight, we're going to L.A. for the thing. Leaving at 1:35 sharp to make the midnight showing. Drinks after.

I'll park the TARDIS in front of J.J.'s Diner. Be there or be square.

Oct. 27th, 2017


You're all in a tizzy about Halloween parties, but what I really want to know is who is hosting this year's Bonfire?


If I leave now I might be able to follow the monkey's trail before the wind disperses it too much. If anyone thinks they can contribute and can keep up somehow it might be useful to have the option to spread out. Best if you have some kind of tracking skill or survival training but we may also need to fight or see to injured people.

[mostly those who signed up on the ooc post. and probably assume this was.... somewhat earlier than a full day after they got kidnapped lol sorry]

Oct. 26th, 2017


The military would like to ask you to stay on alert. The flying monkeys are still around and could possibly still be attempting to kidnap people.

If you capture one, please let them know so they can quarantine them.

I'm heading out to San Antonio. Seems there's some signals that a portal opened up there too. Not just the one above town square with the flying monkeys.

Be careful, they're evil flying monkeys. They tried to cart some people away.


There are flying monkeys. I think I'll be staying inside for a while. Anyone have any idea where the heck they came from?


Working for an organized company again is going to take some getting used to. I've been so used to calling the shots over the last couple of years. This is the closest to my previous position I think I'm going to get around here. Never say never to working for military again

Has anyone else noticed the large, flying monkeys?


I went wandering around the town today to do a little more exploring and ended up landing myself a job. You're looking at the newest shooting instructor over at Trigger Town.

Oct. 24th, 2017


What is the point of these costumes and disguises? What does this holiday commemorate?

Oct. 19th, 2017


I don't know who Peter Capaldi or Rick Sanchez are, but this is hilarious! Doctor, they look like you!


Oct. 17th, 2017


When I find out who slipped a mickey into my scotch and dropped me off where ever the hell this place is, I'm going to make your life a living hell and kick seven shades of shit out of you! And whichever one of you bastards shot me with a tranquilizer and stole my gun is next on the list!

It's like bloody Star Trek in here with this weird little computer. The guard said if I type on it, then there's other folk out there who can respond. Right then! Someone bloody well better respond and tell me where I really am, not this bollocks about being brought through a vortex!


Normally being greeted by a roomful of hot guys in uniforms would be a really fun way to start my day. But then finding out I'm going to be stuck in quarantine for 48 hours? Yeah, not so fun. Especially when I don't really get sick. Ever.

At least there's room service and a decent selection of stuff to watch online, since the telly is only showing the extremely boring "what's up with Jack's blood?" channel.

Oct. 16th, 2017


Four people have come into the garage this morning with decent sized dents and scorch marks because - and their words not mine - a person on a horse who may or may not have a head hurled a flaming pumpkin at them. I've never heard of this Halloween thing before showing up here but so far? Not a fan.

They were all hit heading out of town so be careful if anyone's headed that way.


Why did I decide going back to school? I just need a big plate of chips, not from here but proper chips.

Filtered to Doctor (10)
Hey! Do you have plans this weekend? I think it's been far too long since the two of us have been on a trip. What do you say?

Oct. 15th, 2017


If anyone finds a misplaced severed head, bring it to me. The owner is being tight-lipped regarding its whereabouts.

Filtered to John Watson  )

Filtered to Prompto Argentum  )


Dinosaur skeletons are our friends. We don't hurt our friends.

I missed so much work this week.

Oct. 14th, 2017


What do the humans do to those from different planets here?

Oct. 13th, 2017


Thread: River Song and the Doctor (12)

Who: River and Twelve
What: Waffles and a Chat
Where: JJ's Diner
When: Thursday evening, one week after their arrival
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

... )

Oct. 12th, 2017


I wish for it to be known that if Taneleer Tivan is in any way responsible for this, I will find a way to bring my revenge to him for his crimes.

Oct. 11th, 2017


There has certainly been a rapid influx of arrivals. I'd been so involved in my work, afraid I'd not taken notice sooner. A shame Watson isn't among th

Should you find yourself in my neighborhood, pay no mind to any sudden and loud noises. It is a process.

Oct. 8th, 2017


Aka boocha!!


[Filtered to Whoverse peeps]
I should be out of here around ten o'clock tonight. If not tonight, then we all need to have a reunion/meet and greet tomorrow. It's been much too long since I've seen some of you, and others I have yet to meet. You can't even imagine (no maybe you can) how excited I am for this.

Oct. 7th, 2017


I'm disappointed in Tumbleweed.

I went to the Farmer's Market today, and I didn't find a single farmer for sale.

Oct. 6th, 2017


After way too many hours looking at cat gifs I can safely say that this is the absolute best one in existence.

cut for gif )


I've been in some very precarious situations before. This is nothing new to me, but it would be helpful to know whether or not the people keeping me here are friendly

Oct. 7th, 2017


We're starting to almost need another mixer for everyone who's arrived in the five days since the last one.

JJ's is the best cafe, there's a farmer's market on Saturdays, if you want to learn to fight or work out Wolverine's gym is safe from locals who shouldn't be seeing use of powers, if you're high school aged and don't want to do public school talk to Emma Frost or Scott Summers about the EPS, and anything else you can ask on the network and be sure of getting some kind of answer.

Oct. 5th, 2017


Network Post

Alright, so this place isn't quite the amateur hour that it appeared at first glance. Either that or I have completely lost my touch.

Fortunately, I know the whole solitary confinement drill. Looks like it's just me, this hilariously quaint computer, and some kind of film database. Any suggestions on what to watch? What will either give us something to talk about when I do get out of here or lend a bit of clarity to this place, wherever this place is?


Network Post

I could get out of here if I wanted to. But I don't want to.

If I ordered a pizza, would they deliver it to quarantine?

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