June 2020




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Jun. 6th, 2018


Thread: Rogue and Peter

WHO: Rogue (movies) & Peter Parker (ASM)
WHAT: Touring
WHEN: Monday, June 5th, midday
WHERE: I don't know. Everywhere ever.
WARNINGS: None at the moment. Will update if that changes.
STATUS: In progress

So distractions. She was using all of them. )

Jun. 5th, 2018


Never get bored, Google yourself, and read fanfiction written about yourself.

Or do, if that's what you're into.


So after sleeping for a solid 16 hours I started digging around on the internet. And found movies.

That probably sounds sketchy.

I found movies that include parts of my life.

It turns out my life is an alternate ending. So that's... cool. I guess. Not really.

Is this normal? Does this sort of thing exist for everyone?

Jun. 4th, 2018


Someone needs to get rid of the rest of that elf wine. For the good of the community.


Thread: Rogue & Jean

WHO: Rogue (movies) & Jean Grey (616)
WHAT: Heading to the X-Mansion which should be... interesting
WHEN: Sunday, June 3rd, evening
WHERE: Front steps of the X-Mansion, likely inside
WARNINGS: None at the moment. Will update if that changes.
STATUS: In progress

Rogue honestly didn't know what to expect. )

Jun. 3rd, 2018


Erik's back.

He don't remember being here before.

If'n ya need me, don't.

We'll be back whenever I'm good and ready.


Network post.

If this is some sort of new experiment it’s a bad one.

I can’t even imagine why in the world they’d be letting us talk to each other and use our powers.