May 26th, 2011

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Thursday: Early Morning Wake Up

Who: Christian and Jesse
When: morning
Where: Christian's house

Jesse had been trying so hard to find the girl who desperately wanted to die that he thought maybe that's why he hadn't been able to. Maybe it wasn't possible to force oneself to go into one dream or another. There was still so much he didn't understand about how the dreamworld worked, as well as the fact that the girl he'd seen made him feel an urgent sort of desperation as he wondered if it was already too late. But as soon as the sun rose Thursday morning, he came out of his fugue state and sat straight up on the catwalk, gasping, her name on his lips. He'd seen her again, talked to her. That had to mean she was still alive.

He made himself wait until a decent hour, although it was still early by most people's standards, before dressing in fresh clothes and literally running over to Christian's home, where he knocked on the door, then shifted nervously from foot to foot as he waited.

I found her. )