March 19th, 2011

[info]bettle in [info]solsticerp

Wednesday: Illusions Don't Hurt Trees.

Who: Emmanuel and Jordan
Where: Jordan's yard
When: Late morning

While he was glad for the extra twenty dollars a week that another yard got him, Emmanuel was of mixed feelings about working Jordan and Jessica's parents' yard. Jordan was his friend, and he'd defended her... but he was also pretty sure she'd torched his best friend's car, and was still pretty hateful about Ava, who was also a friend. And Jessica was just plain bratty. So he was here to work, but he did kind of hope Jordan didn't come out to chat... it would mean having to deal with things he didn't know quite how to deal with yet. If he ever would know.

Stupid Boy )

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: One Thing at a Time

Who: Trevor and Torin
When: evening
Where: Spencer residence

Trevor had spent most of the day agonizing over what he should do about his problem with Taryn before he ran out of time instead of writing. It felt like he should finally man up and take his own advice. And it felt as if he didn't do so quickly, he'd miss any opportunity he might have. It didn't help any that he was now convinced Taryn was determined to sleep with that Noah character. A man who wasn't even an elemental. It was abhorrent at best, even from a purely brotherly perspective.

But what could be done? Surely blurting out his feelings wasn't the best way to handle things. It would be the same as ripping a band-aid off as quickly as possible, just to get the sting over with. He'd thought of asking their parents if they'd consider the match, but he couldn't do so without first knowing how Taryn felt on the matter. He wouldn't condemn her to a life of unhappiness just to satisfy his own ultimately selfish wishes for her life. That would make him no better than their parents in regards to match-making.

Have you ever been in love? )