September 13th, 2010

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: Dreaming

Who: Jesse and Christian
When: Night
Where: In dreams

Ever since about nine o'clock that evening, Jesse had been out on the catwalk of the lighthouse. The door leading inside was securely shut, and he was lying on his back on the metal walkway, his feet on its flat surface, his knees bent and his gaze directed up at the starry sky. There was nothing to be heard from this height except for the wind and the incessant sound of the ocean. The Guardian did not move, nor did he react to anything around him. He wasn't asleep, but all the same, if anyone had spoken to him right then, he would not have answered. His eyes appeared fogged over with white, with none of their deep blue visible at all. Pieces of chestnut hair blew over his forehead, were pushed back by the wind, but he didn't notice. He was not quite there.

He was walking through what seemed to be fog, and up ahead was a light. Streetlight, the moon, the sun? He couldn't tell. Jesse wasn't sure where he was, and for a few moments he wondered if he was dead again, cast out of his body, likely to show up at one random place or another. It was a thought that gave him a brief, sinking sense of despair.

A little help escaping the nightmare. )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: A Snowy Hell

Who: Mikael & Neta
Where: Dreamspace
When: The small hours of the morning!

Mikael Jöns Lundvall was dreaming. He lay in his futon bed in his bachelor apartment, the sheets tangled around his legs, the tattooed skin above his waist exposed to the vague light coming through the crinkled blinds. He had no awareness of his apartment, though. He was walking through the winter woods in Aspen, Colorado, where he'd lived until after high school. The snow was deep, the sun was high overhead, the trees were tall and strong and his breath puffed in front of him like smoke. He was seventeen again, not twenty-six, and his older siblings - all four of them - weren't with him this time. The place was peaceful and unblemished. His footprints were the first to explore since the last storm. Dressed in proper winter gear, Mikael reached down with one gloved hand and scooped it into the snow.

Just how she had gone from humid island to snowy woods, Neta Hillman couldn't even guess. She didn't really even think about it much, except to know she was somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, she didn't know where this place-she-wasn't-supposed-to-be was, and she was cold. Very cold. All she wore was a long, old-fashioned jacket made from leather, over her man's shirt and canvas breeches, and there was snow everywhere.

She crunched through the trees, scowling at everything around her, and rubbing her arms, trying to keep them warm-- at the expense of her fingers, since she didn't have any gloves.

"This is bullshit," she growled to herself, looking around for any sign of life.

Don't Shoot! )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: Not a Puppy

Who: Sean and Jane
When: Afternoon
Where: Sean's apartment

Sean had called Jane earlier that day and invited her over to his apartment for lunch. He didn't have much in the way of groceries for he and Will, but he'd bought bread, deli meat and various cheap items to keep their stomachs full until he could con someone into going grocery shopping for him. Will wasn't around at the moment, which was okay with Sean. He didn't mind spending solo time with his siblings at all, inf act he preferred it. It was easier to get to know someone when you didn't have three or four people around to distract you.

He'd showered that morning, but forgot to shave again, and he covered his shaggy hair with his cap that was in desperate need of a wash. After smoking a cigarette, he washed his hands and pulled everything he felt they might need to make some sandwiches, if Jane was actually hungry when she arrived. If not? Well, he'd figure out someway to keep her from wanting to rush off.

What th' hell is THAT? )

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday - Water and Air

Who: Thomas and Kaz
When: late evening
Where: a bar

Most of the time, Kaz was not a big fan of bars. He could get better scotch at home, and the ruckus of humanity tended to grate on his nerves. He preferred to be on his own, make his own entertainment. Occasionally, though ... he got into a social mood. Not that he was currently socializing. But he found it momentarily soothing to sit in a booth off to one side of the drinking establishment and people-watch. A well-groomed gentleman with a glass of amber liquid, sitting where the shadows seemed just a tiny bit thicker. The other patrons were so wrapped up in their little lives, their small dramas. Most of them had no idea what the world was truly about, and would never know. It was an odd comfort, at the moment. Kaz didn't question it, he just relented to it. Pursing his lips ever so slightly, he lifted his glass to take another sip.

Thomas had too much time on his hands. As an apparent immortal, that could almost be a joke, but really, he didn't sleep much and when he did, it was at irregular hours. These days, anyway. He hadn't ventured out to witness much of the local color when it came to night life, so he showered and shaved, pulled on a pair of casual trousers - pleated, linen - and a linen, button-down shirt - both in a deep tan color - and a pair of canvas shoes. Content with his appearance, he added wallet and keys and left a note for Magda to have room service deliver breakfast at six instead of four. He might be out late. He wandered for a bit, then a chose a bar at random - for it was as good as any other place to start - and entered. He hadn't finished crossing to the bar when he felt it: the presence of another elemental, but not just any elemental. A powerful one... He paused and turned to do a casual scan of the room.

Fancy meeting you here. )

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday - Forbidden, But Still Cool

Who: Shoel and Solana
Where: The park in Darkwater
When: Shortly after sunset

Work was unusually slow today, at the hospital, at least for little candy-striper volunteers like Shoel. She picked up what gossip she could, just out of bored interest, and cleaned things. It left her restless at the end of the day, and she left the hospital to wander the town, rather than go home. Her aunt got a text so she wouldn't worry, and she promised she'd be home by nine or so, so hopefully that would be good enough. If she got in trouble when she got home... well, she just hoped she wouldn't. Sofia would understand the need to just walk, right? Hopefully?

After stopping in a cafe for a drink and a snack, Shoel wandered around looking in shop windows for a while before she drifted off to the park, finding herself a park bench to sit and look for fireflies. Not that there were ever fireflies in Oregon-- they were more of a midwest thing-- but she could pretend. Pretending was one of the things Shoel did best.

Monkeybars and loneliness. )

[info]somedaylove in [info]solsticerp

Wednesday: Flirty Friends

Who: Mac and West
When: afternoon
Where: Super Smooth

Mac still felt uneasy. Granted, it had only been a day or two since she and Emmanuel had ... well ... encountered a monster. That would be enough to make anybody uneasy, right? Still, she didn't like the jittery, nervous, always-checking-out-the-window feeling. Even though they'd been understanding and concerned, she also couldn't help but feel like her parents thought she'd imagined it all. She'd conveniently cut M out of the story altogether, and had told them she'd been in the back yard alone. Not making out with her boyfriend while they weren't home. But nothing else had happened, so she wasn't sure if they were honestly taking her seriously.

Pacing around her room, she felt like she needed to get out and away somewhere. Most of the friends she'd texted already were busy or just not the company she really wanted. Eventually she hit West's number and decided to give him a try. hey there, she sent. what r u up 2?

Guys aren't allowed to use the word fabulous )

[info]somedaylove in [info]solsticerp

Wednesday: Hidden Talents

Who: Cordelia and Noah
When: Evening
Where: The Dirty Birdie and then Noah's boat
Warning: NSFW

As promised during their last 'date', Cordelia was in charge of deciding what she and Noah ought to do for their outing this evening. The weather was gorgeous and she decided she wanted to do something outside, rather than staying in. Logic told her that it made sense to have dinner somewhere, and while she adored Seaside Cafe since it had outdoor patio seating that overlooked Johnson's Beach, Cordelia also found a romantic dinner by the ocean a little bit cheesy. She was a romantic at heart, sure, but even she felt like wrinkling her nose at the idea of dragging the poor guy to that kind of atmosphere. There were other things Cordelia found entertaining, and romantic, that didn't come near spending a fortune at a fancy seafood restaurant.

And since she didn't want to be conventional, Cordelia decided on something completely different. She drove to the marina about an hour before sunset, wearing a dark green sundress and comfortable sandals. For once she wore her hair down over her shoulders since Noah had seemed to prefer it, and she was thankful it wasn't too windy around Darkwater that evening. It was all she could do not to grab a hair tie and pull it up out of her face. The theme of the evening, in Cordy's mind, was casual. It was what she was most comfortable with, and she was realizing Noah was the same way.

Now I know your secret. You ready for mine? )

[info]somedaylove in [info]solsticerp

Wednesday: Trust

Who: Christian and Gwen
Where: The police station
When: Early afternoon

Christian had one phone call. They only gave it to him once he'd calmed down enough to be at least somewhat rational, probably correctly guessing that he would have called the mayor or the chief of police or senator's assistant or someone else who was at least marginally in charge. It took a couple hours before that state of semi-rationality came, because being picked up by police and dragged away screaming in a police car and thrown into a cell did not do good things for his mental state.

By the time he could breathe properly and speak properly without babbling and was no longer seeing tormentors coming out of every bar of his cage, it was early afternoon, at least. Christian, still trembling but at least mostly in control of himself again, asked meekly for his phone call, and was led out to the phone attached to the wall-- they'd taken his cell phone away, along with his wallet and keys-- to dial the only number besides his own he knew by heart. Hopefully Gwen wouldn't be too angry....

Omitting truths is just as dishonest as lying )

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Tuesday: In Between

Who: Jesse and Ethan
When: the wee hours
Where: in dreams

It was a night of endless wandering for Jesse, and while he wasn't sure what to make of it, neither did he allow it to disconcert him. Right then he seemed to be walking down a corridor with wooden walls and a wooden floor, a corridor that grew smaller the further he went. Finally he was forced to stop and figure out what next, because he was having to walk turned sideways as the walls encroached on him. Up ahead about a yard was light, but it didn't look as if he'd be able to make himself small enough to be able to exit. He thought about it, the wheels turning in his brain, and then an idea occurred to him. His fingers began to glow, and the light spread upward to his head and then downward through his torso and legs, and he became light. He slid himself through the narrow slit and reformed into flesh and blood.

you make your own path, you choose your own fate )

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Wednesday: Places To Be

Who: Jesse and Tayne
When: the wee hours
Where: in dreams

Jesse had no idea how he'd gotten here, but that seemed to be par for the course tonight. He'd been walking through what looked like heavy fog, unable to see more than six inches in front of him, when he'd suddenly emerged on a road he'd never seen before. All around him was utter silence, and he stood on the center line and looked around. There were trees at either side of the roadway, there was what looked like hard-packed dirt at the shoulder, and from where he was, he couldn't see any sign of habitation anywhere. Should he continue walking, he wondered, or should he push through some of those trees and see if there was anything beyond them?

He didn't have but a few seconds to deliberate. There was the squeal of tires, the revving of car engines, and then a Jeep was racing around the curve. Headed straight for him. Somehow, Jesse couldn't seem to move. He opened his mouth to scream, and both arms flew up to cover his face.

Maybe we get along so well because we both want to help people. )