August 4th, 2010

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Monday: Creepy Cave Adventure

Who: Torin and Sam
When: 2 p.m.
Where: the high school parking lot, then Stonehenge and the caves

At least Torin's elemental gifts had come back. He'd expected a miserable day indeed if they hadn't. Despite the fact that there was nothing on regular TV except the local news stations reporting on the high school, the Baptist church and the Mayor's home all burning the night before, and the Quik-Stop being held up-- hell, those reporters were practically jizzing in their pants over it all-- at least there were a ton of satellite stations, and he hadn't spent that much time checking out the news reports. He had the basic facts, and that was all he cared about. He wondered if Sam Boesch would show for their 2 p.m. arranged meeting. Well, he'd set it for the high school parking lot, and if nothing else, he could see the damage for himself up close.

He set off for the school at a quarter til, sunglasses on and his uncontrollable hair blowing in the breeze, determined to stay chill about this. He was going to show Sam the fucked-up stuff that was in the caves near Stonehenge, to prove he hadn't been pulling bullshit out of his ass when they'd talked the other day, and that was it. And Sam had better hold to his agreement not to shove that fucking camera in his face, too. He made the short drive in record time and pulled into the far parking lot, turning off the engine and getting out to lean against his car and stare at the heavily damaged brick building. It looked as if the gym and the Science Wing had taken the heaviest hits, he thought as he waited.

Also? I know the truth about Candy Mountain. You're not getting my kidney. )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Monday: New Old Clothes

Who: Jessalyn and Dessicant
Where: Thrift store
When: Afternoon

Since Jessalyn didn't have to work until later that evening, she decided to stop by the thrift shop in town and see if they had any new cute skirts in. She enjoyed making her own clothes, and sometimes she could find a used piece of material and make it into something of her own. She rode her bike that afternoon, singing softly under her breath as the wind blew her hair about her face and shoulders. By the time she got to the shop and climbed off her bike, her hair was a bit of a mess, though she didn't make any attempt to fix it. She was a bit oblivious to things like that, and after setting her bike up against the building, she breezed into the shop with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes darted behind the sunglasses she wore that were too big for her face, searching for one of the shop's employees so she could ask about any new pieces.

Do you mind helping me out? )

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Monday - Relax and Rejuvenate

Who: Sofia Palatnik & Thomas Shore.
Where: The Teahouse Spa.
When: Monday Afternoon, 2:00 pm.

It was Monday afternoon and Thomas Shore had taken the ferry to Eldritch Island for a very special appointment. He was to be reunited with the lovely Sofia, whom he'd met on the dock not long after he'd arrived in back in America. He hadn't been here since the 1950s and really, that had been the East Coast, with Manhattan and Miami figuring prominently in his life. He was on the West Coast now and rumor had it that the West was more relaxed than the East on this continent.

He certainly hoped he'd be relaxed after his massage.

Under talented hands. )

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Monday - Mutual Benefit

Who: Sam and Solana
When: Nighttime
Where: Streets, then Sam's house
Warning: NSFW

After Sam's shift at the gas station, he clocked out, went outside and lit up a cigarette before starting the walk home. He'd deliberately left his car at home this time, since he was sort of hoping to run into Solana at some point. Sure, the island wasn't huge, but it wasn't overly tiny either that he could hope to walk down one street and see her, but hey, one never knew, right? If not for his conversation with Shoel, Sam might not have given Solana - Ana - another thought, but knowing she was a vampire now, one who survived off of fluids, had him intrigued and curious as to why she was on Eldritch and not somewhere more populated.

Taking a slow drag off his cigarette, Sam kept his eyes focused on his surroundings. Sure, he was looking for one person in particular, but at the same time, he didn't want to be caught off guard by someone, or something, unexpected.

Because you're beautiful. )