June 10th, 2010

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Sunday: The Hold-Up

Who: Jake, Jane, Ava, Mark Peal and Leroy Holland (NPCs)
Where: the Quik-Stop in Darkwater
When: 7:30 p.m.

Leroy had walked into the Quik-Stop about ten minutes previously and headed directly for the restrooms in the back hallway of the store. He'd opened the rear door for his accomplice and then promptly locked it with the open padlock that hung on the metal bar waiting for closing time. Next to the bathrooms was a closet that contained a dirty rolling bucket and mop and a massive amount of other clutter, and he'd found a length of twine on one of the shelves that would do nicely for what he had in mind.

Trying to look unassuming, he meandered up to the counter and said to the clerk, "Man, someone heaved in the bat'room back there. Dat's some gross shit."

wallets and cellphones on the counter! )