June 7th, 2010

[info]inkandtime in [info]solsticerp

The Smell Of Smoke

Who: Sibyl and Lux
When: Around 7pm
Where: The edge of chaos

Sibyl was not herself tonight. She had changed before, and so she was well aware of what it was like to have a part of you taken away. Even such a vital part as one's heartbeat. Now, the next most important part of her was gone. She didn't wake every evening and immediately begin working elemental magic, but today she noticed its absence right away. When her elegant freezer door opened and she sat up from the silky cushions that Kaz had fitted it with, everything was still.

A Not Entirely Welcome Old Friend Comes To Town )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Sunday: Fangirling

Who: Sam and Santiago
Where: Pharmacy
When: Afternoon

It had been such a relief to get off the Island and after cracking bad Lost jokes about it, Sam got thrown out of the house - so to speak. More accurately he was just sent out to get food and some things from the pharmacy. What he really wanted to do was to go to the beach. There was chatter in the channels about weird stuff being around and he wanted to see it. If he hurried, he might get there before it got too dark out - not that he minded the dark but things were easier to find in daylight.

He jumped off his bike outside the pharmacy and almost forgot to lock it, having to run back out and do that before going back inside. He was still wearing his party clothes thanks to his mom's dire need for painkillers STAT but he didn't mind. It still made for a fun jingle as he sauntered inside the store, browsing for the things he was required to buy and there were a few.

It was only his due, after all. )