March 30th, 2010

[info]jaewalker in [info]solsticerp

Saturday - Life is full of change...

Who: Art and Sen
Where: Home
When: Afternoon before the Big Date

Apparently Arturion had a date that night and Sen was having a hard time wrapping her head around it. Why would he want to date? To Sen, golems had no need for such a thing and it was all just very strange to her. Perhaps he was just curious, a lust for knowing more about life and people but then he would have been more forthcoming with this, would he not? She wondered if it was possible that he actually felt things like attraction and lust, emotions she had no need for. At the same time, he was her little Art and she wondered if he was somehow changing. That idea made her a little sad and she put down the components she was working on and headed out to the living room to find him.

But what if she wants to do all sorts of things you don't think are fun? )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Saturday: Brothers Reunited

Who: Santiago & Thomas
When: Saturday Night
Where: Vapor

The tour had been very thorough.

Santiago was very proud of the club and all the changes he had made. It was very diverting to have him so excited. For his part, Thomas was just delighted to have encountered him again. Three hundred years since the last time. Too much time apart for such as they, or so he thought, but then, he hadn't met the other three Sons in all that time. Strange, but true. Perhaps they were hiding...

He ordered another drink from the bar tender, who was very polite and professional and smiling and so on, but was giving both men curious looks. Thomas had briefly wondered if there was something on his face, but he'd checked in a polished, metal surface at one point and his face was fine.

I think it's FANTASTIC. )