January 2nd, 2010

[info]inkandtime in [info]solsticerp

Monday - Shaking The Mountain

Who: Sibyl and Kaz
Where: Sibyl's house on Foggy Branch Rd.
When: Past midnight on Monday morning.

Sibyl was more than a little bit grateful to find that Kaz had not returned as she had slept away the daylight hour of Sunday. Night had been a long time in coming and she had been awake well before sunset. She'd spent the time pacing restlessly through the dark and under-furnished rooms. She had not fed the night before, nor had she since she had arrived in Darkwater. Her intense thirst had driven out of the death-like day sleep in her satin-lined freezer in the basement. Outside, she could feel the shadows lengthen outside and found herself straining to hear the distant heartbeats of her nearest neighbours.

She debated long and hard with herself. She knew that she would have no trouble slipping into their home and killing them where they slouched on their worn tweed couches. She also debated ranging further up the road and perhaps stirring up some trouble in the hospital there. Perhaps a few snapped locks could cover up her feed with modus operandi. In the end, she heard her mark come right on past. Santiago had asked her to claim the young lovers under the pier but what of the ones who took refuge in the dark and mysterious woods?

When the time came she opened her back door and tugged at the satin belt of her cream coloured house coat. The material whispered over ghostly pale skin and fell in a range of snowy hillocks at her feet. She daintily stepped over them and sprang off of the porch. She ran so fast that the dry needles beneath the sweeping pine trees barely shifted in her passing. The damp and mossy earth didn't depress under her weight.

Where To Lay Blame? )

[info]jaewalker in [info]solsticerp

Monday - So early in the morning...

Who: Art & Santiago
Where: Vapor
When: 1:00 am Monday morning (Sunday hours)

Lightning. Blue, white, black. Curls of metal, like shaved chocolate. A deep mood for the entry to a re-opened club. Art had seen the posters and heard people talk about it when they came to the shop. Vapor. The hot place to be, where the 'now crowd' went, to see and be seen.

Art wasn't the 'now crowd'. He doubted he'd ever be part of any crowd, not if he existed until the end of the universe itself. He didn't need to see anyone, nor did he particularly wish to be seen, but he'd just finished reading 'War and Peace' and needed a walk to clear his head. It was a dense piece of fiction, doing its best to reflect historical fact without being tedious.

The jury was still out on the level of its success in that regard.

It had been a comfortably warm June day and had cooled around midnight, to the point where he'd noticed people wearing a light jacket. Art didn't feel the cold as he wandered toward the water. He loved the water. Hiding beneath the surface was one of his favorite things to do. He wasn't going to submerge tonight, though, and he hadn't chosen this direction with the club in mind. But he was here and it was here, so why not take a look, he'd thought?

He turned in a slow circle, taking in the decor, and then found himself eye to collar bone with a taller man, who was almost as wide as a door.

"I need to see some identification, please," the man rumbled. Art glanced up at him, then nodded and pulled his wallet from his back pocket. All his ID declared he was twenty-eight years old. An interesting fantasy. So, he stood there, in a dark green T-shirt, blue jeans and running shoes, and waited for the verdict.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed. ~ Carl Gustav Jung )

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Sunday - Laptops and Cookies

Who: Art and Mac
When: morning
Where: Darkwater Computer Repair

Mac had more or less forgotten it was Sunday. It was one of those luxuries of summer vacation; one didn't really have to pay attention to the day of the week. She'd realized it halfway to the computer repair shop, and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, frowning a bit. Were they open on Sundays? She wasn't sure, and it wasn't like she could call and ask. After a moment, Mac hitched the strap on her shoulder up and shook her head, continuing on. It was a nice day to be out walking, so even if they weren't, she didn't mind. Her laptop definitely needed to be looked at, and DCR was the place to get it done. If somebody was there.

She was pleased to see the Open sign on the door, and pushed into the shop, a smile on her face. She headed for the counter, glancing around for someone.

Does your hair feel like wool? )

[info]vivadiscordia in [info]solsticerp

Sunday - Sunset Philosophy

Who: Art and Sofia
When: late afternoon
Where: the shore at Darkwater

It was a beautiful day, and Sofia had spent most of it outside. She liked to take long walks, strolling along in her flowing skirts and her sneakers -- comfort over fashion -- and watch people. She'd taken the ferry off of the island earlier in the day, and had since been wandering the boardwalk in Darkwater, stopping only to eat and take a couple of breaks on the benches. Granted, she'd seen it all before, many times, but Sofia wasn't ever one to get bored with a place. The more time she spent in places, the more she felt from them, after all.

It was a warm day, but not unpleasantly so. She thought they were in for some bad weather soon. The cloud patterns and the way the birds were flying seemed to indicate as much to her. She'd taken up brief residence on a bench, legs crossed indian-style, with her head tilted back to the sky. It also seemed that someone she knew was going to take ill. Or so said the seagulls. Hrm.

Art made sure everything was shut down and properly secured int he shop then set the alarm and locked the door. It hadn't been a busy day, but it had certainly been interesting. He'd met a nice young woman named Mac. She'd taught him some sign language and they'd played a game of chess.

It had been relaxing.

Do you remember your mother? Her mother? )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Sunday: Brotherly Love

Who: M and Emmaline
When: Morning
Where: Their home


Emmaline, though she loved to help out her family, loathed chores. Today though wasn't so bad because she and M got to split weeding the garden. It was so much easier when she could spend the chore time talking to her brother. This way was especially helpful because her parents were inside and she didn't have to worry about Emily listening in or her parents eavesdropping either for that matter. After the night before at Vapor, she wanted to know what M had done on his date. She was especially curious why he'd forgotten to mention that he was going on a date to Cian. All of that would come in due time though. Getting a pair of old cut off jeans and a t-shirt on, she tied her unruly hair back and put a bandanna over the mess of waves and curls and headed outside to find her brother.

A road, or a deer? )