December 20th, 2009

[info]lostrequiem in [info]solsticerp

Saturday: Walking Home

Who: Allie and Noah
Where: Somewhere on the boardwalk between Vapor and Allie's place
When: Very late.

Allie had been having fun with Santiago. Granted, not at much fun as the couple in the next booth over. She at least felt like she'd held on to most of her mysteries. They'd reached a point where they were either going to have to go find more privacy or go their separate ways for the night. Allie had ended up shooing the host back toward the party. She'd had a couple more cosmos (all the while thanking her father for giving her his strong Irish constitution along with her pint size) and danced a bit longer.

Not too long after midnight, however, she realized that she was a little tipsy and getting very tired. She'd thought about calling a cab and perhaps sober, she definitely would have. As it was, she was looking forward to a walk. She blew a kiss to Santiago from across the party and slipped out into the night. Compared to the steamy crush of the club, the marina was chilly and refreshing. Allie sighed in relief and cut down the path that led to the boardwalk. It would meander up along the northern edge of Sandpiper Cove and take her pretty much to her front door.

can you get arrested for drunken bike driving? )

[info]bettle in [info]solsticerp

Saturday - A Happy Household

Who: Art, Corwin & Sen
Where: Corwin's place
When: Evening

It was necessary to eat and quite enjoyable too, Sen thought. It had always puzzled her how her fathers could forget to do such a vital thing. It was necessary energy for the body and often times it tasted great as an added bonus. In fact it always tasted great in the case of Art's cooking. She had a theory, a logical one, that Corwin pretended to forget so that Arturion would always cook for him. It was a logical theory about illogical human thinking; Art would always cook for Corwin if Corwin only asked.

Eat, drink and be merry )

[info]bettle in [info]solsticerp

Saturday - Damage Control

Who: Emmanuel and Jordan
Where: Vapor
When: Night

Controlling the fire )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Saturday: Condescending

Who: Shoel and Chrissy
Where: Vapor
When: Night

After her conversation with West, Shoel had been on the prowl. So to speak. She was hanging around places where people were sitting or getting drinks or chatting, rather than dancing. Right then, it was upstairs on the starlight-ceiling room with the open balcony. It was such a lovely night, after all, why not enjoy the air? She was going to try this flirting thing-- and if it failed and spiraled into disaster, well, it wasn't as if she cared what people thought of her, right?

So she held her drink, tried to look happy and cool and collected, and looked for somebody pretty to talk to and maybe compliment. Or however one did the flirting thing.

We can both do it. )

[info]wryandwatchful in [info]solsticerp

Saturday: Potential Placeholder x2

For something else.

[info]littlemonsters in [info]solsticerp


just in case!

[info]littlemonsters in [info]solsticerp

placeholder ...again

another just in case <3

[info]solsticemods in [info]solsticerp

Time Update -- June 14 - June 17, 2009

Sunday, June 14th

  • The day begins overcast, but by the time ten o'clock rolls around, the clouds have cleared and the temperature has begun to warm up to the day's high of 79. It will be sunny and balmy, and the day will end with a low of 65 at around midnight.

  • The top story in the news is that the remains of Claudia Ross, the 28 year old Eldritch Island resident who vanished from the ferry on Tuesday, have been found at the far edge of the marina, washed to shore. Dental records and fingerprinting had to be utilized to identify her due to the condition of the body in extremely rough waters for nearly a week.

Monday, June 15th

  • Summer has set in again! There isn't a cloud in the sky, and the temperature skyrockets to 90 degrees by midday. Lifelong residents of the area know this means they can likely expect bad-- possibly damaging-- weather within a couple of days. There's no breeze at all, and anyone who spends much time outside will most likely end up sunburned.

  • Beginning at approximately noon, all mages will experience a sudden surge of enhanced power. This can manifest in numerous ways, such as the ability to work magical feats they'd never been able to before and unexpected bursts of magic that they can't control. This effect will last until midnight. The flip side is that the more power they expend, the more backlash they can expect once it wears off-- extreme exhaustion, faintness, migraines and other physical symptoms will result.

    Note: the degree of surge is up to each individual player. It could be mild and barely noticeable, or it could be huge and dramatic.

Tuesday, June 16th

  • The day starts out glorious, with brilliant sun and a high of 89 degrees; a breeze keeps the heat from being stultifying. By noon, however, the temperature is dropping and the sky begins to cloud over. By five p.m., thunder rumbles and illuminates the sky as clouds darken and the wind picks up. It doesn't actually rain, but the atmosphere is like a held breath, taut and portentious. The evening low will be 57 degrees.

  • The lighthouse on Eldritch Island is still run-down, but today it looks as if it has received a fresh coat of paint. The rough brick is dazzling white, but strangely enough there are no signs that anyone has painted recently; there are no dropcloths, no paint stirrers, no empty cans and most notably, no aroma of new paint.

Wednesday, June 17th

  • Today dawns with high winds and the torrential rains that the old timers have been expecting. The temperature is 59 degrees for most of the day, and a massive low-pressure system is moving over the area. At 1 p.m., there is a hailstorm on both Eldritch and in Darkwater; some of the hail is the size of golf balls. The hailstorm lasts for about fifteen minutes before subsiding into a lighter, more temperate rain again. The rain stops at dusk, and the evening low is 51 degrees.

  • There is a security breach at Darkwater Institute for the Criminally Insane; a security guard is overpowered and left unconscious in the Maximum Security wing. Two of the inmates slip through to Low Security, where they find places to hide themselves as they wait for an opportunity to escape the building and grounds completely. This is not reported to the news media.

  • At eight in the evening, all shapeshifters begin to involuntarily shift forms. They will find that they can shift into numerous animal forms, but they are not able to shift back to human again.